Pismo Power Manager

A Robinson

Anybody out there with Pismo internal experience?
After upgrading to 10.2.4, my Pismo will not start without doing a hard reset, either on battery or AC. I've tried all the recommended methods of resetting the Power Manager (removing all power, holding reset button for 10 sec, etc.) with no luck.
I understand that sometimes the Power Manager circuit board goes out...Has anyone had this experience and replaced the board? The boards are apparently available for approx $150. How risky/difficult is it to get past the front bezel, etc?
Any help would be appreciated.
seems unlikely to me that an upgrade breaks the powerboard... anyway, did you try to zap pram? - option+command+p+r - hold down for a few minutes while the computer startsup several times -
Another problem could be a broken battery (the one that feeds the clock and pram-settings while it's off?

Getting into the computer is easier than i experienced. Just be not too gentle. For instance when you want to get the CPU back in place. You really have to push hard to seat it fermly. Harder than you would think is good...
Just make sure you don't break anything due to static-electricity. So ground yourself to the computer..
Another problem could be a broken battery (the one that feeds the clock and pram-settings while it's off?

My problems started long before 10.2.4, I had always assumed that my Pismo's main battery was dead. I tried all the stuff mentioned about resetting the power manager but it still wouldn't charge the battery.

If my clock/pram battery is dead (I have to set the date/time on every boot!) does this mean that my main battery could be ok but power manager is doing nothing because of the other battery?

Does anyone have any info about getting a replacement 'clock' battery (cost, part number, uk supplier etc)?

thanks in advance
Actually, it's quite likely that the 10.2.4 update has broken the PMU... See this thread for some of the gory details. The short version is that the 10.2.4 update included a patch to the PMU that's causing all kinds of grief among 'book owners.

The good news is that a software fix can fix this; there's no need to replace hardware. The bad news is that although they're working on it, Apple has yet to release this fix.
Originally posted by arri
did you try to zap pram? - option+command+p+r - hold down for a few minutes while the computer startsup several times

Missed the bit about "several times" 1st time around, just re-tried it and...
Yippee! My clock is back, no more clicking the year forward from 197x to 2003.

Thanx Arri

My main battery is still dead but I think I'll wait until the 10.2.4/battery issue dies down before I buy a replacement.
Thanks everyone, I'll try zapping the PRAM again tonite. This problem had occurred randomly before the upgrade, so the problem was sort of pre-existing.
Details on backup battery type (Apple part #) and testing procedure are on the Apple Support pages (forgot the link). Mine tested out OK.