Please test our new game for Mac


No Reptile Testing
Hi guys!

We have been developing games for PC (Windows) and PDAs (Pocket PC and Palm) for 4+ years, and now we decided to try making computer games for Mac's too.

Our first Mac game turns beta today, so we're very interested in your opinions.

It's a logical game BrickShooter. Its PC versions have lots of fans all over the world. Hope you'll find it addictive too.

Please take a loot at it at:
The descriptions, screenshots & download (there're no public links to this page yet)
Direct download link

Any comments are welcome!
Was the dmg package easy enough to use? Did it run well on your computer? Did you like the game?

This version is a demo. If you really like the game just drop me a note by e-mail ( and you'll get a 30% discount.

Looking forward to your comments.

I downloaded it, but I'm too tired to test it now... I'll put up some comments later.

Although the program icon could use some spicing up.
Took me a few rounds to get it.
Pretty good, keeps you thinking.
I liked it.
Except that nag screen interrupts your concentration! heh :)
Not bad looking, I am a bit tired to play it tonight but it looks like it will get some play tomorrow. .dmg works fine more to come
Hi _sergey_

I will try that game one of these days! Great to know there are developers who want mac testers and feedbck to their games.. :)
i'm enjoying it. i'm not getting sound effects on every move though. seems to come and go randomly. i suggest you either use a reminder or a time limit. both is a bit much. mac users are not used to being treated like thieves.
Reminder is better, if you ask me. ;) That's on most mac games / demos. Those who like the game, will just pay the licence. :)
edX said:
i'm enjoying it. i'm not getting sound effects on every move though. seems to come and go randomly.

What version of Mac OS are you using?
What is your Mac?

edX said:
i suggest you either use a reminder or a time limit. both is a bit much. mac users are not used to being treated like thieves.

Oh, we just used to do so under Windows ;)
We'll consider changing the limitations, thanks.

Giaguara said:
Those who like the game, will just pay the licence.

And those who dislike the game will not be affected by the trial period, will they? :)
sorry, i somehow missed your reply sergey. i've been playing quite a bit actually. very adictive game. my best so far is level 19, 34,743 pts with the default 7 colors.

my specs are in my sig.

other things i've noticed - sometimes i click one and have 2 fire out - the one behind it goes at the same time. still having issues with sound - mostly no noise when i click a square sometimes. the black and brown colors are hard to disguinsh sometimes.

things i would expect to see in this game to make it closer to the value charged - ability to choose your own colors for a game. it shouldn't be too hard to incorporate the color wheel into this. also a choice of a game that adds more squares at certain levels. this would probably make a better default - escalating difficulty. one of the problems i see with the fixed method is that many levels are not really that much more difficult than the ones next to them. some of the higher levels were actually easier than the ones before them.

also - i agree with gia - a reminder is probably the better choice as much as i hate it. however it appears to be completely random. it appears 20 - 30 secs apart sometimes and goes for several mins others. it does not appear to be tied to moves as it appears when i move the game to the background as well. setting it to go off between levels would make it easier to judge the game without interfering with playing it and still be a nag. if you choose a trial, be sure it resets with every new beta.
EdX said:
my best so far is level 19, 34,743 pts with the default 7 colors
Good heavens! I just barely made it to level 10 with five colors! *blush* ... but I'll try harder!
The music is awesome :D but sometimes it doesn't loop clearly, there's a skip when it comes around.
On a G3 (Panther, 192 MB RAM, 4 MB video, 366 MHz) it is a bit slow, slower than on my PowerBook (see sig for spec), but playable nevertheless.

Great game! At least as addictive as Tetris or Mah-Jongg (that's a compliment) :)
made level 14 with 5 colors the very first time i played this game. was way too easy. it took me several tries to get past level 1 in 7 colors at first though. in fact, i think level 1 is often one of the hardest. if i get past it, i can reach level 6-9 pretty quickly.

if it will make you feel any better Cat, i scored in the 98 point something percentile on the spatial relations part of the SAT when i was younger. natural gift i suppose. :)

ok, i also think there is a small memory leak in it. i get the signs of one when i leave it up and running for many hours (which is my only alternative to continue a game on the beta). and i think a fully registered version should come with multiple or unlimiited redoes. a level reset would be helpful as well.

actually this is more like a demo than a beta. a real beta should be FULLY functional and have an expiration date, and a demo should have a reminder window.
Very cool... Along the same premise as a puzzle with the sliding blocks; sometimes you need to be a bit destructive on your work to get to where you want.

Graphics need a slight makeover, but very cool. :)
There must me a problem with the forum's mailing system: I managed to miss the last 4 replies too :(

drunkmac said:
Didnt work. Running Panther.
Please try the new beta:
Some compatibility issues are fixed there. Hope it will work on your Mac this time. Please let me know whether it does.

Cat said:
Great game! At least as addictive as Tetris or Mah-Jongg (that's a compliment)
Thanks :)

edX said:
ok, i also think there is a small memory leak in it. i get the signs of one when i leave it up and running for many hours (which is my only alternative to continue a game on the beta)
Yes, this is a known problem: for some reason the Core Audio Music Player does not release memory after a music sequence has been disposed. If we find a solution, we will definitely fix that.
Currently the leak can be avoided by disabling the music.

edX said:
actually this is more like a demo than a beta. a real beta should be FULLY functional and have an expiration date, and a demo should have a reminder window.
Well, according to this classification this is a demo of a beta :) I mean this is a demo version as it will look after the release, but it may have bugs still, so we call it beta.
i already have music disabled. so there would seem to be an additional leak as well. like i said, not a real major one, but annoying just the same.

and it would make it a beta of a demo. :D

will download the new one and see how it goes.
2 things:
  1. Please, please PLEASE make the green bricks darker than they are now! I find it nearly impossible to tell the difference between them and the yellow bricks. I think R0 G150 B0 would be a good shade.
  2. Why, exactly, does the tutorial show a Windows cursor? ::evil::
Other than that, you're doing great! :)
Arden said:
Please, please PLEASE make the green bricks darker than they are now! I find it nearly impossible to tell the difference between them and the yellow bricks. I think R0 G150 B0 would be a good shade.
Would this (see below) be OK?

It's about R0 G190 B0. G150 is too dark.

Arden said:
Why, exactly, does the tutorial show a Windows cursor? ::evil::
Uhm... :rolleyes:
We recorded the movie under Windows and use it for all versions of the game... :o