Please test our new game for Mac

I am running 10.2.8 and I can't get it started. I get the error message The Application Brickshooter has unexpectedly quit. Without even starting but I hear some music.
Permissions are set to me.
_sergey_ said:
Would this (see below) be OK?

It's about R0 G190 B0. G150 is too dark.
Much better. Thank you. That's one of the things that bugs me about these kinds of games: when people use green and yellow values that are really close together.
Uhm... :rolleyes:
We recorded the movie under Windows and use it for all versions of the game... :o
Yeah, I figured, it's just more of a (very slight) annoyane than a bug. ;) :cool:
well, i guess my beta testing days are over. the last one did not update my expiration date - it suddenly quit in the middle of a game and then relaunched as expired. conisdering i was on level 11 i was not very happy. not very friendly to your beta testers. this is a beta, right?
edX said:
well, i guess my beta testing days are over. the last one did not update my expiration date - it suddenly quit in the middle of a game and then relaunched as expired. conisdering i was on level 11 i was not very happy. not very friendly to your beta testers. this is a beta, right?
Didn't the trial period reset with BrickShooter beta #2? :confused:
i'm not sure i understand what you mean by 'install'. it's drag and drop. yes, i downloaded and used beta #2 and it has not reset. i've actually been running them off their dmg disks rather than moving them to my applications folder since i knew they were temporary. that shouldn't make a difference as a drag and drop app should be able to reside anywhwere on the HD.
ok, i had both versions mounted at the same time. so i trashed the original and now the beta 2d version will not start up. it attempts to launch, the music starts (which i had turned off before), and then i get the 'unexpectedly quit' message.
ok, this version works. the color changes look great - maybe not as 'colorful', but certainly easier to distinguish. i still think letting people choose thier own colors would be a good idea though. i'll report back with more after i've played it a bit.
I have noticed that the last release is not saving my preferences. Every time I start it, I need to reset my colors (I am starting on 5 first and slowing working up).
Cheryl said:
I have noticed that the last release is not saving my preferences. Every time I start it, I need to reset my colors (I am starting on 5 first and slowing working up).
Did the previous one save them?
Not saving the preferences must be just the demo. Once the activation code was entered, the preferences were saved.
Cheryl said:
Not saving the preferences must be just the demo. Once the activation code was entered, the preferences were saved.
Ah, you're right. The game difficulty is a part of the game record which can be saved only in the full version.

I think we should allow saving the difficulty level even in the demo. It is displayed in the Preferences window, therefore must be saved anyway.
_sergey_ said:
Ah, you're right. The game difficulty is a part of the game record which can be saved only in the full version.

I think we should allow saving the difficulty level even in the demo. It is displayed in the Preferences window, therefore must be saved anyway.
Yes, that would be a good idea...

I'm in OS 9 right now, so I can't test the latest version, but when I boot back into OS X I'll let you know how it goes.
Well, I've been playing the game a bit recently, and I've got a few comments:
  • How about a bit more audio feedback? Like something to alert us that we can't make a certain move and some sort of "ding" at the end of a level (and a short pause, like .5 seconds).
  • We should get more points each time we get rid of several successions of bricks without moving anything. Like when by clicking only one brick several colors disappear, we should get 1 point per brick for the first color, 2 for the second, etc. or add 2 points each time, or something. Give a little reward for getting rid of more stuff with less effort.
  • What about mystery bricks that do random things, like destroy several bricks around them, or complete the nearest chain, or change colors randomly, or something?
  • Perhaps make the green bricks slightly darker and the brown ones slightly lighter? Not necessary, though.
Besides that, this is quite a great game. I'm having trouble stopping (until I get to level 21—whew!)l