fjdouse UNIX - Live Free or Die Jul 10, 2005 #561 Here's my current desktop and some of the other heretical desktops I use. Attachments os2.jpg 29.3 KB · Views: 47 viewmax.jpg 60.9 KB · Views: 48 mydesktop.jpg 82.4 KB · Views: 55
Randman HA! HA! HA! Jul 17, 2005 #562 A sunset on Mars, taken by one of the Rovers. And this should make me Mr. 3,000!
Giaguara Chmod 760 Staff member Mod Jul 17, 2005 #563 Yes, I know.. need to clean the desktop (and the room) Attachments Picture-18-2.jpg 67.4 KB · Views: 48
T themacnut Registered Jul 18, 2005 #564 My desktop. The background I got from . I'll post again when I change by desktop background or do a major rearranging of the icons. Attachments TheMacNut'sDesktop.jpg 99.2 KB · Views: 31
My desktop. The background I got from . I'll post again when I change by desktop background or do a major rearranging of the icons.
T themacnut Registered Jul 21, 2005 #565 My desktop with Dashboard Widgets showing. Attachments The MacNut's Desktop Widgets.jpg 99.9 KB · Views: 42
Qion Uber Nothing Jul 29, 2005 #567 That's one of the better Windows desktop's I've seen. I like the things at the top of the screen that link to various folders and programs.
That's one of the better Windows desktop's I've seen. I like the things at the top of the screen that link to various folders and programs.
A arkanoid Registered Aug 5, 2005 #572 please dont tell me you did that... or your just amazing @ graphics design! Nice anyway!
Convert Tech Aug 5, 2005 #573 mw84 said: New Tiger desktop: Click to expand... I want that wallpaper. RacerX said: Here is my latest change of desktop... Click to expand... I also want that wallpaper.
mw84 said: New Tiger desktop: Click to expand... I want that wallpaper. RacerX said: Here is my latest change of desktop... Click to expand... I also want that wallpaper.
RacerX Old Rhapsody User Aug 5, 2005 #574 themacnut said: Nice!!! Did you get that off the Nasa site? Click to expand... Sorta... it is a composite of four different images. Most of the shuttle came from here, the background is from here and the ISS image is from here. I completed the shuttle using an image scanned in from the book Entering Space and then modified it to match the lighting and angle in Photoshop. I have to spend time doing things like this every so often to keep in practice.
themacnut said: Nice!!! Did you get that off the Nasa site? Click to expand... Sorta... it is a composite of four different images. Most of the shuttle came from here, the background is from here and the ISS image is from here. I completed the shuttle using an image scanned in from the book Entering Space and then modified it to match the lighting and angle in Photoshop. I have to spend time doing things like this every so often to keep in practice.
RacerX Old Rhapsody User Aug 5, 2005 #575 Convert said: I also want that wallpaper. Click to expand... Okay... you can find it here.
M mw84 Registered Aug 5, 2005 #576 No I didn't make it. You can get it here: along with a load of others.
No I didn't make it. You can get it here: along with a load of others.
sirstaunch Registered Aug 20, 2005 #577 An online friend living in Iceland took this pic while flying over Iceland, would you beleive it's night time when it was taken? Attachments iceland.jpg 23.3 KB · Views: 58
An online friend living in Iceland took this pic while flying over Iceland, would you beleive it's night time when it was taken?
RGrphc2 ...InSaNe... Aug 21, 2005 #578 That's gorgeous photo, can't wait till i get to take a REAL vacation and get of the states for a while. First Trip : Cancun or the Bahamas... still youngin
That's gorgeous photo, can't wait till i get to take a REAL vacation and get of the states for a while. First Trip : Cancun or the Bahamas... still youngin
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Sep 22, 2005 #579 Well, after all these years, I can finally post a Mac OS X screenie. This is from my iMac G5 17" widescreen. Attachments nixgeek-desktop.jpg 97.5 KB · Views: 41
Well, after all these years, I can finally post a Mac OS X screenie. This is from my iMac G5 17" widescreen.
ziess Registered Sep 22, 2005 #580 Here's my latest on my G3. Attachments Picture 1.jpg 82.3 KB · Views: 40