Powerbook's Low Battery Power


Im sure just recently my Powerbook's (12inch, 1Ghz, 512mb memory) amount of battery has been reduced. When sitting idle with nothing running it used to last about 3 - 3 1/2 hours and when doing simple tasks it would last 2 - 2 1/2 hours atleast but now when its idle it only lasts 2 hours and when im doing simple tasks like using iTunes or surfing the net it last 1 1/2 hours before the battery runs out.

Maybe im just going insain and thought that my battery used to last longer but im sure it had better performance...

What do you guys think is goin on here?
Lithium-ion batteries lose there capacity over time; their life is about 3-4 years. Getting shorter and shorter run time as the battery ages is normal.
Re-condition your battery, i.e. use it until it goes to deep-sleep, then recharge it completely, use it again until it goes to deep-sleep and again recharge it. Tools like Coconut Battery can be helpful in seeing whether this has any effect. Might want to do it three times.
I just got a program to check out my battery and things seem fine, except possibly for the 'disabled' part, i dont know if thats good or not, heres my report:


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