PowerMac 5300 RAM & Clock Question


I recently acquired a PowerMac 5300 computer. It is in perfect running condition and works very well. However, when the computer is shut off or restarted, the clock always forgets its settings and a warning pops up informing me that my clock is not set properly. Does anyone know how to fix this? Is this a battery issue?

Also, Does anyone know where I could find directions on how to install more RAM in this machine?

Thanks for any help.

all you need to add the ram chip to the 5300 is a T7 torx screwdriver. Remove the three screws that run down the center lengthways on the bottom of the computer. With the screws out you can then lift the keyboard up from the bottom edge of the board. The ram chip goes in under the keyboard on the right hand side. I bought a new 56MB ram chip from Omni technologies on Ebay. had to payalmost $100.00 for it, but getting my laptop up to the max ram was worth it.