Press3 Certification Opinions/Experiences?


B.A. Economics (Hon)
Hi all,

I finally decided to click that static banner on the top of all these pages and was taken to the Press3 site for 'apple press3 certification'.

I've never heard of them before, so I was wondering if anyone else (besides the sponsors) have heard of it, and what they have heard. The overall tone of the web site is, IMHO, more sales oriented than technically oriented, which makes me slightly nervous.

I don't want to bash people who are sponsoring this great web site forum, I just want some independant info :p

You can reply to me privately at if you don't want to post here.

All comments appreciated! I'm interested in getting some kind of certification, but don't want to pay for an ACt. just now (no corporate sponsorship yet).

Only time I've ever heard of it was at that time a while ago when was I personally disliked these forums' whole feel when they were, and I left for a LONG time, and then came back to find that it was back to I've been posting here ever since. :)

As for Press3, I had the same feeling you did when the forums were at that site: They have a very corporate feel to them, which is why I didn't like posting there.
