problem deleting a file


i have this one file "getfile.php" which i downloaded but cancelled midway on my desktop. but it won't let me trash it or move it anywhere else. it keeps saying "The item 'getfile.php' is being used by another task right now. (other tasks include moving, copying, or emptying the Trash)."

but i have nothing else using that file. i've restarted the computer and shut it has stayed on my desktop for the past week now and its getting annoyin...can anyone help? :-\
Reboot your Mac. This will release the file from any process which uses it. Although there might be other options how to resolve this, IMO this is the most simple solution.
...many well know solutions and Restart may well be one of the best! ;)

However, this is for the simplest of case and maybe a Log Out will do the same instead of a Restart... But what about the nut cases?

The easiest way to go is:

and search for TrashIt! or something similar and you'll find many little apps that will ERASE FOR GOOD any problematic file...

If you don't like all these I could give you some Terminal commands... Let me know... :p :cool: :D ;)
Open the terminal and type:

cd ~/.Trash
<hit return>

sudo rm -rf

put a space after the f and drag the item you want deleted to the terminal so that its path is automatically entered, then press return

give it your admin password and hit return