Project Builder v.2.1 on 10.2


It used to only happen every now and then, and even then, it would go away. But with my last project it has only gotten worse. Aftering loading a project, the source and class files one by one turn to gibberish. The text looks converted into some form of Japanese or Chinese, and when I put it into the translator, it comes back with non-sensical words, which could still very well be my code in one of the languages, just without recognizable translation. Its frustrating because while i compile my project to debug, it saves my files when I do not realize they have been altered.

What is odd, is that the program executes normally, and reports errors as if the code were intact, but i am unable to pick it apart. I've tried messing with the file encoding, but that hasn't seemed to produce results, nor does simply changing the font type etc. Is this a known bug? I'm not sure what type of error to search for online or in apple documentation and i'm not sure what other information would be relavent. Thanks.
Sometimes bizarre behavior like this can be caused by a font problem, believe it or not. That's one route I would definitely take in troubleshooting. Another would be to delete PB's preferences file and let it create a new one. Just for good measure run a Repair Permissions in Disk Utility. And of course make sure this isn't being caused by a third-party add-on like Default Folder or one of the unsanity haxies.