Hi! I'm supporting an OpenOffice 2.0 installation on a Mac mini (PPC) running OS X 10.4.5. OO runs just fine but I noticed some fonts weren't available in Writer (the word processor). I did some poking around and learned about the "spadmin" command that can be used to install fonts. I ran that command and navigated to /Library/Fonts (at least I think that's the location) and was able to load the TrueType fonts (TTF) in that directory, however the Apple fonts didn't load.
Ok, so OO only supports TTF. I can download or buy TTFs to install but I'm wondering if I would be able to install Windows TTFs in OO even though it's running on OS X. Has anyone here tried this?
I'm thinking of doing this:
Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I'm fully aware of NeoOffice/J but I'm wanting OO 2.x functionality for this user, not OO 1.1.x functionality.
Ok, so OO only supports TTF. I can download or buy TTFs to install but I'm wondering if I would be able to install Windows TTFs in OO even though it's running on OS X. Has anyone here tried this?
I'm thinking of doing this:
- Download a Windows TTF to a "fonts" directory in the home directory of the user
- Run "spadmin" and navigate to the $HOME/fonts (effectively) directory
- Have spadmin load the TTF
- See if they load in Writer
Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I'm fully aware of NeoOffice/J but I'm wanting OO 2.x functionality for this user, not OO 1.1.x functionality.
