Quick dough


Ok, I'll tell you guys my dilemma. My parents has the money, plenty of it. But, they wouldn't buy it for me, they told me "To get a job" literally. You may be thinking "Ok so, get to the point" Ok, I was thinking up of few ways to earn cash, so I thought I would get some of your ideas. Thanks.

Edit: Forget to include what I was gonna buy. It's a ComboDrive eMac, $1000.
Well, you could negotiate with them to do various home improvement chores around the house like weeding, mowing lawns, cleaning up leaves or seed bombs, etc. That's how I got my parents to pay for my first 6 months of insurance. They credit me with $6 for every hour I put in.

You could also sign a contract saying that you will pay them back as soon as you get some steady money. Then, you could have your computer and not have to pay for it until you do get a job.

Of course, there's the usual fare, like mowing lawns, raking leaves, shovelling walks, etc. My friend saved up lawn mowing money for 2 years to buy his computer (PC, but so what).

Vogel: Rehab.
Prostitution, extortion, robbery (banks, carry-outs, ATMs, old ladies, young children), bribery, "accounting errors", loan sharking, mail fraud, wire fraud, and drugs are all acceptable ways of making money in American society these days. Please, do whatever job suits your talents.
Haha, is it just me or is Arden the only sane person ever replied to my topic? What a coindence, my friend on AIM suggested the prostitution idea. I think I'm gonna have to stick with Arden's ideas, the system fails once again.
if you have any html skills you could make simple web pages for people, also you could do video editing for people who are doing projects and stuff (which is what ive done), but it sounds like the computer you are buying may be for this type of purpose. Maybe you could resort to begging to, other wise it looks like prostition is the way to go, like in the movie -Midnight Cowboy- ;)
You could sell one of your parents' cars, or their furniture, or large kitchen appliances...
Almost forget to mention THE LOTTERY! Er, I mean, the poor person's tax. You have a better chance of hiccoughing, sneezing, coughing, getting struck by lightening, and zapped by cosmic rays simulataneously than winning the lottery.
Yeah, that woman who won was on Leno recently. I bet she didn't think she'd win, either.

Of course, you have to be 18...
I would sell something, but my parents would forbid it. I know it sounds stupid, but I tried reasoning with them, and they'll pay me for chores around the house. Plus, I'm gonna get an "afterschool" job, so that should do it.. I think.
Find something you like and see if you can earn a few bucks that way. Try caddying at a golf course or yard work if you're into outdoors stuff.
Hit a bookstore or library for a chance if you're more into studious stuff. Try a hospital or retirement home and see if you can earn a few bucks by visiting/reading to the people there.
If you're really good in a subject, try some tutoring.
Oh, and if your neighbors are friendly, try an auction of services, where they pay you to do some odd job and chores for them. Compliment that with a yard sale of your old junk (get some friends to contribute). Add that with a small bake sale/lemonade stand for a day. That might impress your parental units enough to break down for the remainder. And don't forget to have a flyer or three handy explaining that you're looking to buy your own computer.
Those ideas are quite useful, I'll look into the retirement home and stuff. Let's just hope things goes well at the end. :)

And Starbucks doesn't exist around here.
i caddy which is easy if you are good at sucking up and have a faint interest in golf, i also worked in a retirement home which was soooo easy, all i had to do was play cards with the old guys, huge checkers with the old ladies, and just talk to some people about the "old days"
Remember, whatever you do, don't volunteer for anything or you will find yourself with many hours of work and no computer. I'm sure you figured that out, thought. ;)

Just out of curiosity, Unknown, how old are you?
Powermac, he's going for the eMac... whatever, the feeling's still the same.

Vogel: Drugs are not the answer.