Quicksilver crashing on launch


Running a late model iBook G4, 1gb ram, Tiger with all updates. Last night the finder locked up and I was forced to reboot (holding down the power button). All I'd done recently prior to that was install stoplight (and have since removed it). After reboot I noticed Growl notifications stopped, or more precisely, it displays one notification, then stops (the menu says it's stopped, tells me I can start it). If I restart growl, it displays one, and stops again. Quicksilver crashes on launch. The splash screen displays, then nothing. There is no process running for it after that point. Growl logs don't show anything after the last notification. Haven't found any logs for QS. I've used the onyx and disk utility verify/repair permissions to no avail.

SatCure: If, by clean install, you mean an archive install, maybe that is too drastic. Maybe there has only been one "Finder lockup" so far???
Ice-9: Kind of hard to follow all this. When I first read the thread title, I thought you had a Quicksilver G4. Now I see you have a PowerBook with an application called Quicksilver. Create a new admin user and don't reinstall anything yet. Login as the new user and see if the new user allows the basic system to work correctly. Then install one of your third-party applications that is not working correctly and restart. Login as the new user and try that application. Keep reinstalling until you are happy that all third-party applications are working correctly.