Recording with the Line-Out?


Tropics Tech
I have a music video that i would like to rip only the audio, does the sound card support any software that can record Line-Out USB,Optical or headphone output? I tried "audio-recorder' but it only picks up the internal mic and USB mic!

Let me know, thanks.

Worst case scenario: Get a minijack to minijack cable and connect the line-out to line-in to record. But Audio Hijack basically does the same, so you don't really need the cable. Just make sure that no other applications make any sound, i.e.:

1.) No E-Mail apps or chat apps open that could produce a sound,
2.) no applications should create an error sound,

so basically close _any and ALL_ apps other than the one creating the sound you need and the one recording the sound.
DeltaMac...and others... let me clarify my request and needs: The video is streamed in flash format from youtube or myspace. I see that with audio hijack it supports Safari and other audio formats but even in Safari it needs the url stream... Yes or No?

Is there software that records the audio out from the sound card in the MacBook?
FRYKE: Good call but I am hoping not to record via speaker to mic... making the poor quality stream sound even worse.

I believe that Audio Hijack will record all the noise any program is making. You can try it for free, too. It should do what you need as long as you are able to play the file.
Eric DeltaMac and Fryke:

Ya... figured it out. It takes to the Safari audio stream. I had to just enter the URL but the problem is the stream had a couple breaks, making for a bad recording and the 4:38min song is a 46.9MB AIFF. lol.

Good experiment though, thanks for the Tips.

Well, the AIFF's not really a problem, is it. Just let iTunes import it to AAC or MP3 to reduce the file's size. AIFF is a full audio format, just like on a CD.
Audio Hijack can also rip straight to mp3 or AAC.

If it's on YouTube, you should be able to let the entire thing load before playing it, right? That ought to cure any stuttering.

You should also be able to download the flv directly with some tricks. One such trick is to open the page in Safari, go to the Activity window (under the window menu), and option-double-click the flv in the list of page elements there to download it directly to disk.
Audio Hijack can also rip straight to mp3 or AAC.

If it's on YouTube, you should be able to let the entire thing load before playing it, right? That ought to cure any stuttering.

The only problem is with Hijack after ten minutes of running it produces static (free version), my connection is a little crippled these days so the 4.38min song takes a while to load, not leaving sufficient time to rip with Hijack. Yes i am aware of the preload. When i load the file in Hijack it starts the file from scratch even after preload as it counts down the time as a Safari Session.

Nevertheless, Mikuro, your tip of downloading in the Activity window was helpful... i don't use Safari much but that is a great little feature. The Blue Loader in the Location Bar makes the wait time seem like an eternity... it needs to be smaller for those with less patience. (Perhaps there is a way to rid of this?) Now... i just downloaded the video via the Activity window and it saves it as "get_video" But with No file extension, seeing that it is a Flash file... i try change it to .swf is there another format that will work? As of now this does not work!

Natobasso: I will try the Audacity link as well.

