Respecting each other

one thing that i seem to be noticing... you guys are saying he is sensoring opinion

ok so you dont like someone, so your opinion of someone is say they are thick headed...

now there are a couple of ways of going about this opinion, both of them arent liked a whole lot, but IMO one is better than the other...

"you are a f*cking moron, you eat sh*t, pc's suck and so do you"


"i dont appreciate your opinions, i prefer not to use pc's as they are not my taste"

both are basically saying the same thing, in the general sense of things, i think the second one would be allowed, but the first one is unneeded and immature IMO

there is a difference between having an opinion and insulting someone because theirs are different than your's.
Originally posted by cokeymon
Nice "PC" comment there...

So, you people who want Ed to continue as is, why not just go straight to Apple's website and read the marketing info. Or maybe go wild and read some Dell marketing info.

Because eventually, if Ed keeps up, we'll all just be able to post nice sterile little corporate soundbites and facts, not opinions.
you a certainly entitled to post opinions. and they certainly don't have to agrree with mine. but let's keep those opinions centered around the issues and not about other site members. of course i have opinions about other members here but i try to foolow what my mom taught me - "if you can't say something good about somebody, then don't say anything at all."
I thought using Apples meant having a brain and using it, not just being sheep and following the PC crowd. So if we're independent thinkers, we must also be able to freely express our opinions.
i couldn't have said this part much better myself. :D
And sometimes opinions cannot be backed up by facts. At that stage, are we to just say, "OK, we'll agree to disagree, let's not post any more on this subject"? Surely that would make for a dull debate, and worse for Ed/MacOSX, a dull board.

at a certain point most opinion based discussions have to end that way. continuing them by resorting to insults doens't exactly add credibility to either side.
And Ed, at what stage does something become an insult, capable of causing "emotional distress"? I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life!
i think you're assuming everyone has the same emotional makeup as you. you're asuming everyone here is emotionally healthy and able to deal with these kinds of things in the same "who cares" attitude that you do. this may come as news to you, but some of our members like this board specifically because we create a safe environment for them to express their views without having their character and intelligence questioned.
Do you really think that users of this board might somehow be mentally scarred from an adverse post? Is my calling PC users "sheep" an insult or an observation? Tell me a better (more politically correct) way to put it. You're on a slippery slope to giving yourself a lot more work, alienating users and abusing your status.
well, i agree with part of this. it certainly is a lot more work for me to make sure that site rules are adhered to. it would be much easier to just sit back and let this stuff go. but then i wouldn't be meeting the responsibilities i accepted when i became a mod. calling pc users sheep is fine. calling neyo or buddahbobb or any other site member a sheep because they like pc's as well as macs is not ok. see the difference? as for mental scarring, let me just say that people in real life, not just here, tend to say things that they don't realize how it affects others. learning that your words and actions can have meanings you didn't think out is part of the maturing process.

The BBC, which most regard as the epitome of broadcasting quality, has a remit to "Inform, Educate & Entertain". This forum used to do the same. It's rapidly losing its entertainment value, and if this censorship goes on, it will also lose its education value. All it will be is somewhere to read requoted marketing material.
this isn't the BBC. as i have replied in another post, if flame wars and insults are your idea of entertainment, find other forms. i suggest usenet. some flame wars there last for years.
For goodness sake, Ed, don't help Microsoft win! I only bought an iMac after visiting here - I was a PC user till 6 months ago. I got sick of Bill's control freakery (activation, spyware, Palladium etc) and thought switching to Apple and debating with its users would be a breath of fresh air. PC users know Mac users get hot under the collar, and are notorious flamers, and this is one of the reasons to switch i.e. to find out what all the fuss is about.
i will try to stay away from pointing out the potential hypocrisy in your wanting to criticize pc users when that was you just a short time ago.;) but i think you will find that i am one of the biggest microsh*t bashers on the site. i couldn't agree any more with your perception of billy and his goats. but i'm pretty unawares of mac users having a reputation as being hot under the collar. in fact i would say that the huge majority of site members here are good examples of people who are content with their own happiness using a mac and could care less about people who choose pc's. we might be a bit fanatical or zealous, but we can do so without being jerks. maybe we'll just have to dispel that myth for you.
So let this board show people Apple users in their element, confidently telling others why they're wrong!

aside from the fact that this kind of right and wrong is more often a matter of opinion, than facts, i still prefer that you show someone is wrong rather than just telling them.

if you are looking for a place to shout about your new found joy of using a mac this is it. just don't shout at people who have disagreements with you. :)
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
one thing that i seem to be noticing... you guys are saying he is sensoring opinion

ok so you dont like someone, so your opinion of someone is say they are thick headed...

now there are a couple of ways of going about this opinion, both of them arent liked a whole lot, but IMO one is better than the other...

"you are a f*cking moron, you eat sh*t, pc's suck and so do you"


"i dont appreciate your opinions, i prefer not to use pc's as they are not my taste"

both are basically saying the same thing, in the general sense of things, i think the second one would be allowed, but the first one is unneeded and immature IMO

there is a difference between having an opinion and insulting someone because theirs are different than your's.

The thing is you guys are creating flame material by trying to maintain the level of civility you are comfortable with. It is becoming counterproductive when threads are diverted from the topic to "Ed deleted my post" and then all this back and forth banter as to why Ed has that right and what Ed expects of people and their opinions of his expectations and interpretation of the policy/conduct/rules.

At what point is too much policing counterproductive. It hasn't stopped anything and it only adds more posts about peoples idea of conduct than about MacOSX, Apple or the industry.

I will admit Ed, You are doing a fine job of keeping the flame wars down. I've visited many other forums and I have seen so many CRAP postings that are more about bravado than about the topic of the thread.

However, I ask you to stop and ask yourself, at what point has it become counter productive where you have to constantly defend yourself or your actions or have posts becoming pi$$ing matches about why people hate the censorship of this forum.

No need to give me an answer, just think about it and give yourself that answer. You don't have to explain yourself to me.

Have a wonderful "whatever holiday you celebrate" - day :)
Give Ed a break! Although I colided "heads" with Ed in the past few days however, it wasn't because I was acting here normally... :eek:

I jumped on my Zeus like behavior and became something that you know what? Isn't me! :(

No matter what I've read about me or MacVsPC here, I shouldn't act THAT foolish!

Ed's and Stealth's opinions seem/read to me the "Correct" ways of making a presence here in this very forum...

I hope that all the other members of this forum will excuse my bursts about MacVsPC and I want them to be sure that I will NEVER again become such a jack@$$ no matter what!

Enough with typing and on with actions :D
hey hulk, i wouldnt worry about it, we all have our differences, and sometimes those differences bring out the worst of us, as long as you realize what you are doing and are in control of yourself, you'll be fine :)

tis the season for second chances ;)
Amount of knowledge and discussion is decreasing every day in this forum. I regret older members (racerX, ksv, simX, nummi_G4, the list is long) who knew a LOT about Macintosh and who have gone away or who are much more discreet now.

I also regret serpicolugnut is gone. I am myslef less active than in the past, less motivated I suppose.

But the reason for all that is not Ed at all. In the contrary, I think Ed's mod job is improving. But my point stays that has lost some of its quality.
from the buddah
tis the season for second chances

not really. there has never been anyone removed without at least a second chance - often a third or fourth chance. i would much rather see people adjust and fit in than be banned in a fit of anger and feeling picked on. only when someone repeatedly ignores my warnings and/or spits in my face, will i take the final actions against them. and be sure, i have not been the one that pushes the ban button. the admin reviews the issue and makes the final decision. i have not been the final authority around here as some of you believe.

what's funny is that many of the people defending me are ones i have issued warnings to in the past and discussed these issues with privately. i have the sneaking suspicion one or 2 of them are even previously banned members who have come back with a new identity and attitude. my hat is tipped to them if that is the case. and many of the people who are against me are people i rarely see contribute to these questionable discussions. it's pretty easy to stand on the sidelines and laugh. there is a term for this - sadistic.

i admit i will be sad to see serpicolugnut go. while he and i do not always agree, i have never seen him post in a questionable manner that i can remember. he will remain a registered member here in good standing as far i'm concerned. i hope he reconsiders. he has contributed to this community.

and for those of you who would criticize me and call me names here, relax. i'm not taking names and marking targets. i'd rather we openly discussed this and that you take shots at me rather than each other. i'll be rodney dangerfield for a while if that's what it takes. :)
i think you misunderstood me ed, im saying second chance as in you dont ban people right away, rather you usually give them warnings etc :p
no i got that part. just saying this isn't a seasonal thing. it's been my policy all along.

but i will admit to one thing for my critics - perhaps i do jump in too quick at times. sometimes allowing people to work things out and apologize on their own is a valuable experience in itself. i can remember getting into a big arguement with evildan when he first came here. publicly we got a little carried away - definitly deserved warnings. but privately we worked it out and eventually apologized to each other publicly. since then we've gotten along great. now we're both mods. imagine that :eek:
so now that everybody has seen the announcement about themacko's and mine's promotions, who would like my job? sign up for an interview in the annuncements forum. actually we're looking to add several new mods and even reorganize the site a wee bit. we're NOT changing the rules however.;)
right here i guess. :D

the first new mod has been added. Be as nice to Bobb as you have been to me :)
i raise your cartman with a south park jason

