i send a resumé, but incorrectly call it a CV, as calling it a resumé over here would be seen as an americanism, and would be seen as a negative thing. i do however keep my CV very concise. you get 3 seconds before the reader decides whether he wants to read more. you have to snare them in. wasting one of your seconds telling the reader where you live is pointless. all your contact details should therefore go at the bottom. if they like you, then they will contact you, not the other way around.
equally, telling people what i got for Religeous Studies when i was 15 is wasting words and also irrelevant, so i could quite happily include it as one of my '9 higher-grade pass GCSE's'.
and telling people that my hobbies include 'listening to music, socialising, going to the cinema' may as well be suffixed with 'and masturbating'. these are things that everyone is likely to do, so putting them down is pointless. only put hobbies if you have a particularly interesting hobby. BASE jumping, for example. it gives you a talking point. 'socialising' doesn't.
i think experience and skills should take centre stage. it is, after all what they want to see. all else are sundries.