Saddam, is he dead?

Is our favorite dictator still swingin?

  • Alive

  • Room temperature (dead)

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Ministry of Re-Education
I'm totally convinced that he is dead, I'm also totally convinced he's alive. But if I must go on record, this 24th March, he's room temperature.

'Don't know' is not an option on purpose.
I think that he's both
okay, scratch that
i think he's still alive, unfortunately.

wow! i made a haiku!
hes about as dead as osama bin laden....

(heh heh heh that didnt answer the question, way to beat around the bush and fool them jason!.... wait was i typing all this?.... doh!)
He is alive, most definatley and that's no cool, he might be a tyrant but he ain't no fool...

See, instead of a haiku, I made RAP! Damn I'm good :D
Define Haiku? Ah, so it _isn't_ one. ;)

Well, I wonder how the definition of the end of this war will look like. I'm sure the minute the US 'prove' that Saddam's dead, another one's going to be on TV or something like that...
The probablility of Saddam being alive are inversely proprtional to the probability of the US bringing him to trial before the International War Crime Court in the Hague.
toast, i don't find your comment amusing.
ah what the hell, yea i do!
haiku is more hip yo
i'm down with the wack sh**
i'm wacker the wacky wally

Where would Saddam be right now? cuz they've bombed a lot of places, soon he won't be able to stay anywhere else. I want a donkey.
hmm... if I were Saddam, I'd be below a hospital or something like that. Something unlikely to be bombed...