Safari and Firefox will not open a certain web page


I have been trying for the last two months to open a web page with both Firefox and Safari and am not having any luck....can someone help me
the message i get from Safari is "Can't find the Server" and with Firefox "Server not found" so it must be in the settings somewhere do you think!
I tried that...came up with site Etech Data....tried the other but comes up with Safari can't find server.....Safari and firefox has opened every other site that I have tried....but our business needs us to log into daily and I just can't get in there. I have windows at work and it works fine but just not at home on our new Apple!

Thank you sooooo much....I just did that and it worked.....can you tell me what that is so I can tell my son how has an Apple as well.

ps you have made my day!!!!

I Just opened Gapbusters got the home page but it wouldn't open results or parts of the page that I need to get into after I have logged in....still a mystery...nearly there but not quite!!!
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I have been trying for the last two months to open a web page with both Firefox and Safari and am not having any luck....can someone help me

Did not work for me either (Safari), when's the last time someone--anyone--verified for you that the site actually works?

The site works from our pc at work with windows and explorer 6...talked to someone in our industry and says it works for him on his Apple....thanks