

I am not sure if this is an OS X problem or a Safari problem, but let me describe to you what's happening. I am using Safari Version 2.0.1 (412.5) and OS X Version 10.4.2.

Over the last couple of weeks, it seems that Safari has become increasingly slower and unstable. With increasing frequency, pages will fail to load. Sometimes, I can stop the loading and reload; other times, I have to quit the application and relaunch.

Occasionally, even after I quit the application, the entire system would hang. (I'd get the "beachball of death," and could not restar the computer. I am using an iBook G4 and, in those instances, I would have to unplug the system, pop the battery, then restart. This has begun to happen with increasing frequency to a point where it is unacceptable. (For example, this morning it happened twice before noon.)

I downloaded Opera and Camino and have been using them (so far) without any problems, but I don't like either of them as much as I like Safari. If there's a way to address this Safari problem, I'd love to know about it.

By the way, the problem seems to only occur with sites that are (I think) Java-intensive, like and I am tempted to say that this problem began after I downloaded and installed a system update a few weeks ago that was supposed to fix some Java issues, but I can't swear to it.

Any ideas?
You may need to clean Safari's cache as well

The easiest way is

home folder/Library/Caches/

Delete Safari Folder inside Caches Folder

That should give a brand new shiney running Safari ;)
There's also a "reset safari" option on the safari menu - I'm not sure if that clears the cache as well, but it sounds good.
I would also seriously consider downloading and installing all items that Apple Software Update offers you. In fact, after doing so, check it again until it offers you no more updates. There's really no reason you should not benefit from the added improvements made since 10.4.2.