SCO question, please no flaming!


I work in a company that makes software that runs on mostly RedHat Linux, some on SCO Openserver 5.0, and some on HP-UX. I like working in bash shell. When I log onto a remote SCO system, the default shell is not bash. Therefore it takes me longer to finish the tasks. Is there a way to temporarily change the shell to bash when I work on a SCO system?



ps. not too many workers here like using SCO :)
I think there's also an option in Terminal that changes the default shell. You might have to type the path to the bash shell to make it so.
I'd try doing this (I've never logged in to anything remotly though...)

#chroot /path/to/remote/session /bin/bash
The command you want is probably chsh - it will open up a nice text file in your default editor, likely vi, and you can just change the 'shell' line to bash, save and close, and your next login should be golden.

chsh might not actually work if you're using some central authentication methods - you sometimes need a different command to update the central server's records of your default shell; you'd have to ask the sysadmin then...