
Hey... Can Some1 hook me up, with a Screenshot of their internet Browser Toolbar.. whether it be IE, OmniWeb or "whatever" lol!
cheers Guys... Customization is Coming along ery nicely!

Oh! and i might be "borrowing" an iBook... Soon!
which will plz some of u, as i know u are just thinking... why waste time and effort on XP, Modding, wen u can just get a "GOD DAMN" Mac! lol!

well, as much as i am an "Oustsider" in this Forum... i really appreciate tha favours u do... Something as simple as a ScreenShot... its Cool! ;)
As u know i ain't no Mac Hater.. Nor a "manic (troll)" <-- a new Species! lol

Wow! thats Cool!
Cheers 4 that, Dude.. it's Cool!

here's one of the many Aqua-Esque Toolbar's i am Using on IE6
...U're'll See.. Its Some Way off perfect... but i am still looking 2 improve! ;)

Once again Dude... Cheers! ;)


Can Any1 Show me the IE5 toolbar?! ... that'd be Tite! ;)
Cheers! ;)
here goes!
sorry 'bout the size.


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Here is the screenshot of Internet Explorers screenshot. BTW: what is that little springy thing in your snap of IE 6?

Have a great day!



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Here ya go. Top one is of IE, bottom of my OmniWeb, which I prefer. I usually don't have the buttons, I control everything from the keyboard, and they just take up space, but I popped them out just for you :)

BTW, anyone have any trouble with logging into this site with OmniWeb? Any time I go somewhere only a member can go, I have to log in EVERY time! It's getting to be pain. Other UBB sites work fine though, odd. Anyone else have this problem?


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Cheers Guys! ;)
thats Sweet! ;)

The Spring its my Mouse Cursor... It's Cool, Huh?!
It's Fully AlphaBlended... and Wizz's Round and Round ... it looks Soo Much Betta Than a normal lame, White Arrow thingy! lol!
IS there anything Simular, available 2 u guys!?
this is made by Apple's Best PC Buddies... "StarDock" LMAO!

holla! ... And thanx guys! ;)

wow.. thats Cool... I got a fair Few Types of "OSX" based ToolBar's... Here's what i have...! ;)

Ewww... OLD...







i got loads ... of these kinda ones ^ lol

Don't look too bad, For a PC Which Usually Looks Kinda Boring, in comparison!
Cheers Guys! ;)

u wait... Next time i'll be wanting 2 See What U're Equilavent 2 M Paint is! ... LOL!


This is just for Ed Spruiell

Its a screen shot of the mozilla/mach-o build that loads web sites in .2 secs.

so here's an icab shot for neyo and kilowatt:cool:


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No fair :p
Here is a screenshot of my dual monitor work mac ;)
(notice the devil browser :p)


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Originally posted by martinatkinson

Here is the screenshot of Internet Explorers screenshot. BTW: what is that little springy thing in your snap of IE 6?

Have a great day!


:eek: Wow! When I click on the attached zip file wit my IE 5 on Win2000, it automatically downloads the file AND opens it, WITHOUT asking me whether it should do so or not. :eek:

What a security flaw...
IIRC, the Mac IE is preseted to the same behaviour. I laughed my ass off when I red somewhere that this is a HUGE SECURITY FLAW on the Mac. Well, it shouldn't be the preset of the app, but anybody who knows how to open the IE preferences can disable this feature. So it is not limited to Windows, it's the same on the Mac. You could easily disguise a virus with the resource-fork of a self-extracting stuffit archive (.sea) and it would run. I've seen people doing this. IIRC automatic .sea execution is no longer support in the latest classic-IE build. I don't know for PCs though.

Anyhow, there should be an option to disable this "feature", if you ask me, it should be disabled from the beginning.
Originally posted by RacerX
And now for something completely different.


tell me about this browser ... how fast does it render? how fast does it open? features? where can i get it? I'm looking to replace IE and I like OmniWeb, but its slow, and I have other problems with Mozilla, etc. So is this one worth using? I can't seen to find that "perfect" browser for OS X ....
And now for something real...
...and unconventional

(yes I know ncsa's mosaic was real..)


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LMAO @ KiloWatt... Cool
... I Never Exepcted Any1 to post a Browser Like that...
now all i need is to skin it for IE6 ...Lol :D

Cheers Guys... I was expecting no1 2 actually reply... and peeps 2 say... "WHY AREU POSTING THIS ON A MAC FORUM" or something to that degree...! Nice 2 know u Guys can "accept" a Windows User! LOL!

...As i sed... i plan 2 get a mac Sometime this Yr... Merely due 2 Curiosity... But who knows... Maybe I'll end up flogging my PC! ?

once again! Cheers guys! ;)

posted by thedbp
tell me about this browser ... how fast does it render? how fast does it open? features? where can i get it?

It is the 4th beta release of the 3rd version of the original browser for the World Wide Web. NCSA has said that the final release should be out very soon (that was back in Sept of 1996, so it should be any day now ;) ). Of the pages it could render (seeing as it does not support HTML 4, Java, Plug-ins of any type, etc.) only took a minute or two (everything else would crash it, including NCSA's own web site and this site). Start up only took about two minutes (it has to index all the fonts each time you open it). Features? Ah, well... you can have the tool bar as a separate palette! That is about it on the feature end. You can find a copy at:

I would point out that this only runs in classic, and to my knowledge NCSA has no plans for making a Mac OS X native version :( .

Personally, I use OmniWeb (4 for Mac OS X, 3 for Rhapsody, 2.7 for OPENSTEP) and Netscape (4.7 for Mac OS 9, Irix 6.2, Solaris 7, 4.0.8 for Irix 5.3) for most of my browsing, and IE (5.0 for Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X) when I’m browsing with cookies off. I do have Mosaic running on my A/UX 3.0 box, but I don't actually use it for browsing.

If you are wondering what happened to Mosaic, maybe this can answer that question...


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