Server SN Expiration


Apple can give tech people OS X Server serial numbers (at least in Higher Ed where I am) which will expire after a certain date (6 months or so in the future). Does anyone know what happens to one of these servers when the serial number does expire? Are the services just disabled? Can I still get into the server and put in a valid serial number?

I believe it disables the services. If you are going to get a full license anyway, why risk any downtime? Why not just put the license in now?
I am not sure, but i think it will not disable the services... All services will work, just the server applications will not. - server admin, workgroup manager.
The services are BSD daemons and i think they will continue to work. Just you can not make changes via "Server admin"... but you can do it with "terminal"

the only thing you can change in "Server" is the serial number :)

I have seen this happen, I am an ADC member using these temp numbers.

All services shutdown and you need to run server admin and insert an new number to get the services back up and running.
Thanks guys - that's what I expected. I may set the clock ahead on a test machine just to make sure. I have a client who does not put in their real serial number despite my repeated reminders. I wanted to know how to be prepared to deal with it when it does expire.

thoule said:
Thanks guys - that's what I expected. I may set the clock ahead on a test machine just to make sure. I have a client who does not put in their real serial number despite my repeated reminders. I wanted to know how to be prepared to deal with it when it does expire.


I'm not sure I get that. If they already own licensing, why wait and risk downtime? Even if its a test box, its just so much easier! :)

Oki.. I sah this "effect" yesterday..
I entered wrong number.. as a result - all services in "Server Admin" were gone.. you can only change the serial number.


As I loged in via "SSH" i noticed - all BSD services were working - apache, ssh, ftp, mail.. All is working. Just you can not change anything via "Server admin" application...