SMB server browse ... how to?


HampCake Studios
On Mac OS 10.2 if I type CMD + K, a "network browse" appears. It shows all the computer (SMB, AFP, ...) on the lan divided into groups.

Now that on 10.3 the network browse is embedded into the finder, if I type CMD + K a very simple window appears, without the possibility to view the computers, but only a textfield to type the address.

My question is: how to view all the SMB server in my lan if I don't know the name or the address of all the computers?
...Except that it seems to be vastly less functional than in Jaguar, and less intuitive as to whether it's trying to find systems, haven't found any, etc. It reminds me of the Network Neighborhood browsing from Windows 95.

It also won't always find machines if you try to connect by IP address and not by name (has to do with the fact that the machine you're connecting to won't allow connections without a NetBIOS name, and Panther doesn't appear to issue an Adapter status request if it can't resolve the machine's name some other way, like WinNT 4, 5, and 5.1 do...)
I've already tried.
Panther resolves NetBIOS names for me, but only if I use "Connect To Server" menu.

It doesn't show me the computer in Network.
Same here.. There is a browse button in the Connect to Server dialog on 7B85. When I click that nothing shows up on the network. I can see my Mac from a windows machine though.
Captain Code said:
Same here.. There is a browse button in the Connect to Server dialog on 7B85. When I click that nothing shows up on the network. I can see my Mac from a windows machine though.

I'm having the same luck. Since installing 10.3 on my G3 PowerBook (Pismo) I have not been able to connect via SMB to my PC running Windows 2000. I keep getting an error that says some data files couldn't be opened on the PC (Error code -36) and the system log says that permission was denied.

I'm running a VNC server on the PC, though, and I can use Chicken of the VNC to connect to the PC just like in Jaguar, no problem.

I can also connect to the PowerBook from the PC, open files, transfer stuff, everything I could always do before.

Does anyone have any idea what might have happened to SMB?

John Bastin