Snow Leopard restarted while running Photoshop


Hey everyone. I'm new to this forum, mostly because I've had such ease of use with macs over the years that I've had to search support forums. But with Snow Leopard less than 24 hours old, I've had my system "crash" 3 seperate times.

While running Photoshop CS2, the system will lock up. After a few seconds the system moves to a solid blue screen and then restarts the OS. It's almost like all programs running, including Finder are forced quit. There is "bong" over the system starting up or anything.

To clarify, I'm running a brand Mac Mini, 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. At the time of the crash I had nothing more than iTunes and PS CS2 running. During each crash I was doing simple tasks, a color selection, opening an effects panel and opening a very small smart object.

Also to note, I downloaded Safari 4 months ago when it was still in beta, and had no problems. The Safari that comes packaged with Snow Leopard is extremly sluggish and has forced me to use FireFox. :o

If anyone has any suggestions as to the problem, I'd love to hear 'em!
Update: In less than 15 minutes the problem occured for the 4th time. This time I did nothing more than open a PSD, and double click a layer set to rename it. Then crash.
Sounds like a huge compatibility problem with Adobe PS CS2, which I see as no big surprise seeing as the most resent version is CS4. Are your CS2 apps sitting in a folder on the root of the HD listed as Incompatible Software?
Thanks for the reply. I see no folder named "Incompatible Software". I did a search on the HDD just to make sure, but nothing.

Had I known this would be an issue, I wouldn't have gotten Snow Leopard. So far there is nothing that I've seen that it makes it worth while, except for the $30 price tag. But if the $30 upgrade is going to lead to a $600 CS4 upgrade, I would have waited.
Adobe announced that only CS4 had been tested with 10.6 - though they then said at least CS3 PS appeared to work, but basically they only seem to support CS4 on 10.6.

I read about this in the media several places including here in the last week or two.
Adobe Photoshop CS2 is actually not very compatible with Leopard OR Snow Leopard, in my experience. In fact, much of Adobe Creative Suite 2 does not run well on standard 10.5.x Leopard.

However, PS CS2 is listed as running with some bugs under Rosetta Mode only at the Snow Leopard compatibility Wiki

PS CS3 runs better, but only CS4 is officially supported in Snow Leopard 10.6 on Intel.
Exactly the same blue screen restart happened to me today, while working in Microsoft Excel 2004, with my MB Pro, first Intel batch with Snow Leopard just installed yesterday.
In 4 years, OSX on this machine has *never* crashed - I am shocked.
Hi guys. I'm new to foruming too. I just got Snow Leopard and from time to time it restarts just like it did for you but I was using MS Excel or doing something simple. Have you found a solution to the fault?
I also upgraded to Snow Leopard, and work with Photoshop CS2 extensively.
- intel Mac 2.16 ghz 3GB RAM, btw.

Let me tell you, my problems:

It worked fine after installing Rosetta. It worked for a couple of weeks, with some blue screen crashes and Photoshop quits. but ran ok.

Then on a weekend that I had to finish up some work, Photohsop stopped working. Yikes! First it said I had to activate the product. Weird. Well I did, then basically CS2 stopped working and gave me an error message: "A Serious Error has occurred. Please reinstall the software"

Weird again. I reinstalled it. It still would not work. the same "Serious Error..." message. After diggin around on the internet, I found out about all the compatibility issues with ALL the Photoshops and Snow Leopard. I followed different paths/workarounds on deleting, reinstalling I could find on the net, all to no avail. It would always give me the "Serious Error" message. I called Adobe, but the Tech Support is not open on the weekends!

Bottom Line is I eventually had to clean reinstall Leopard OS, which wipes out the whole HD, And then I restored from a Time Machine Backup. BUT - I didn't want to restore from a 10.6 Time Machine Backup, so I had to go all the way back to an Aug. 10.5.8 backup on Time Machine. Good thing I kept my most recent work on another external drive or else I would have lost my work.

My Conclusions: Photoshop CS2 DOES NOT WORK WITH SNOW LEOPARD. From my experience, it seems my Photoshop CS2 reset itself to the 'beginning' and basically I was working on it as if it were a 15 day trial mode - after installing Snow Leopard. That's why it lasted for a couple of weeks, then asked me to 'Activate' it. After calling Adobe today, they told me that CS2 is not Tech Supported anymore - there won't be any fixes, patches for it. I should have searched some message boards before I upgraded, and NOT have purchased Snow Leopard. For me I'm happy and content to be living in the not-to-distant past of Leopard 10.5.8 and having Photoshop work properly.