Soldier Of Fortune II - Double Helix


I just bought SOF2 for my Powerbook and i need to ask 2 questions
First is: Can i play without CD, its asking me every time i am loading the game for CD, i made disk copy and mounted the image but this not helping it all.
Second i need to play full screen on my Powerbook without black bars from the side, there is no screen resolution for Powerbook display 1280x854 support, so when i entering full screen i see black bars from left and right sides but i want complete full screen like in Quake1 GL version.
Any help?
See the Medal of Honor Readme for instructions on how to make it go fullscreen on the PowerBook. It's just a text file, I'm sure someone has it. If you can't find anyone, I'll see if I can dig up my CD's.
Thank you, but the problem is that i do not know anyone with that file, if you can post instruction how to do this please it would be very nice of you.
G4 PowerBook Widescreen Resolution:

You can set the game resolution to match the widescreen format of the G4 PowerBooks as follows

a. Open the console by pushing the tilde '~' key.
b. Enter the following at the console prompt:
/set r_customwidth 1152
/set r_customheight 768
/set r_mode -1
c. Press the Enter key.
d. Push the tilde '~' key again to close the console.

You can also put the set commands in a file called autoexec.cfg inside the Main folder to keep this change every time you run.

This is MOHAA readme.
i did that but it always returns to 640x480 and do not keeps the settings. I need 1280x854 and i set this without any problems but it reverts back to the lowest resolution 640x480.
i do not know what to do now :(
Thanks 3mors. Floyd, put that info (without the / in front of the commands) into a file named Floyd.cfg or anything you like. Put that .cfg file in your base folder. When you start SOF2, type /exec Floyd.cfg in the console. Then, type /vid_restart. That should work. If it doesn't, try looking around on for more info. Specifically, look in the Hosted Sites.
Name your cfg as the default one (e.g.: in quake 3 q3config.cfg, in mohaa unnamedsoldier.cfg), not floyd.cfg, so u haven't to type exec floyd.cfg and vid_restart every time u run the game.

actually, you won't have to type it in every game
you just need SoF to accept the changes *once*, then they will be written to the CFG. I've had better luck using this method than typing in the commands. I don't know why.
i did put in CFG file and it changed to Full screen to 640x480 but not mine resolution, its like will not accept my resolution. CFg file did go Ok but it did not changed to my settings