sooooo when will iChat be updated?


I think iChat is by far the worst of Apple's software products. I think it is shameful for them to not have updated it yet. There are a few small and neccessary improvements/fixes that would make the program 1000 times better. I wonder how long until we can expect an update.
I use the product, along with AOL's relatively impressive AIM off and on. It really depends on what I'm doing... the ease of file transfer, and the no-brainer interface have won me over as favorite when i don't need a huge buddy list (i have a close group of friends on my .mac list, and 160 on my AIM list), but they definitely need to update the speed and feature-set. When is a great question.
Seriously Apple, I can't even have a profile.

But I wont get into a rant about it... Too mesmerized by Safari!!
yes. iChat does need an update. but if comparin it 2 many other messengers. it does have many disavadvantages, which make it easier to use... so just stop whinin and wait for the update :)
it should be released with plugin support, where third party plugins can be installed, then someone could create a plugin to add other services into the app, such as MSN, ICQ, JABBER, etc...