Sound and Speakers Issue...


For some reason, the sound is going in and out on my computer. The left speaker is making an odd noise (a clicking/snapping noise) and whenever I try playing a sound it is playing the sound broken up. The output volume under sound when I go to the system preferences keeps saying the output is at a certain level, but then it says "the selected device has no output controls". It switches between the two every few seconds. It can't be strictly a problem with the speakers because when I plug my headphones in it does the same thing. Is something internally wrong with my computer? Do I need to bring it into a store to get fixed? I have the original Macbook Pro. The computer is over three years old.....or can this problem be a software problem.
Luckily the sound board is separate and not integrated into the logic board. It is fixable. Does the usb port work on that same side and does the battery seem to be charging?
unless you can target disk mode that machine and boot from that machines HD to another Mac, its hard to rule out software. But you could try zapping the PRAM by starting up holding the command+option+P+R and hold until you hear at least 3 startup chimes. But I'm figuring you are going to need to take it in for a new dc-in/sound board. The repair is not horribly expensive. Guessing most places will be able to fix it for less than $200 out the door. They aren't that hard to replace if you done Apple laptop repairs and the part is relatively cheap.
Maybe it's just slightly disconnected from the board? have you dropped it recently?

Not recently, but the computer is 3 years old, however within the first month of being used I did drop the computer and it had to be extensively fixed (huge pain), so it is possible that it might have just naturally have come loose. Also, I've been missing a screw on the left side of my laptop for well over a year and half (went to the apple store and they said they couldn't help me replace it) so the left frame where the speaker is located does lift up, but besides those two things there should be no reason why its loose.

I want to avoid getting ripped off for whatever the problem is though, I don't have an apple care plan but would an apple store be willing to open up the computer just to take a look at the problem and assess what the cost might be, or are my chances better at an indirect mac computer repair store.