Speed Up Safari

Basically, it lowers the delay that Safari has before it starts displaying a page. The default is 1 second -- that means that Safari won't display anything to you for one second, and then it'll display the page. If the page is done loading in under one second, you still wait the entire second to view the page. Lowering this value makes Safari start showing you the page sooner, but at the risk of displaying an incomplete page, and things may "jump around" the page a little as the rest of the page loads.
... which of course only works if your bandwidth allows for pages to be loaded fully below the one second mark. If you're trying to view a page that takes five or more seconds to load (depending on server/your bandwidth), you won't see much of a change.
ah, I see. I can notice some difference, but definatelly it's not as big as people here are saying. It is noticable in my lan, but on the internet, even with a 2mbit lan pages usually do take a second to load...
Now if you're all getting pissey because Safari seem to be sluggish, you may wanna get rid of that com.apple.Safari.plist that we edited located in username/Library/Preferences/ I deleted it and it brought my safari back up to good performance. Does reset preferences though!!