Spotlight going into Vista???¿¿???

Yep, and like all things Microsoft, they've managed to make it clunky, awkward and ugly ... and have dumped the one thing about Spotlight that made it so good ... the indexing file system with plugins to extract information in real time. MS were calling their version "WinFS", though they've announced that it won't be ready for Vista. I guess that means there'll be another expensive upgrade in about 2010 which should bring them up to where Mac OS X is today. :-)

I wouldn't be surprised if, once the geek-boys have pirated their copies just to have some transparency effects and clashing colours, the mainstream users decide that they'll "wait and see" before upgrading, and MS will have a version of Windows even less popular than Millenium Edition.
Guess Spotlighting has been with us for a while, like Thoth for example, just type in the keywords and the list minimises to the newsgroups containing the word you've typed.

Don't think I've ever seen that feature in Windows.....
I am glad Windows will have this feature, eventually. At the very least Apple will have to come up with something even better. In that respect, competition is good for all of us, so who cares if the idea was lifted ?

What I really love is that Microsoft cannot make anything simple and easy to use.
Even their 'Spotlight' has options for searching. If they are going to use an idea like this then it should be like osx and give all files with the search term in.
I don't want to have to choose which files it should search through.

It's just more unneccesary and dumbed down mouse clicking ala Windows usb:
I know the f**king usb key is no longer in use, I took it out, (and yes I did 'stop' it first,) so why do I then have to click ok to confirm that I did? pointless.
Yay more overreaction. First off, what do you expect? It's the next logical step in searching. MS has had this planned since before OSX 10.4 was announced with spotlight included. Obviously Apple has been on the ball and got it out there sooner, but MS really isn't stealing a thing. And OSX like icons? What no other operating system is allowed to have high resolution icons? That makes no sense... so MS isn't allowed to progress, because if they progress they are simply stealing from Apple... but if they don't progress they are stupid for being behind... *sigh* Sometimes fan boyism can only go so far.

In other news, I won't be upgrading to Longhorn unless some very cool things are put in there, XP Pro(and 2000 at work) work fine for me... of course I said the same thing about 10.4 and looky here both my macs have 10.4 on them lol.
symphonix said:
Yep, and like all things Microsoft, they've managed to make it clunky, awkward and ugly

spotlight is clunky, awkward and ugly. it is such a bad implementation of index file searching, IMO. i'm hoping the Vista version of it (when complete) will be far more integrated than our version. we got there first, but it doesn't mean we got there "best". i've always felt that spotlight feels rushed.
Jason said:
Yay more overreaction. First off, what do you expect? It's the next logical step in searching. MS has had this planned since before OSX 10.4 was announced with spotlight included. Obviously Apple has been on the ball and got it out there sooner, but MS really isn't stealing a thing. And OSX like icons? What no other operating system is allowed to have high resolution icons? That makes no sense... so MS isn't allowed to progress, because if they progress they are simply stealing from Apple... but if they don't progress they are stupid for being behind... *sigh* Sometimes fan boyism can only go so far.

In other news, I won't be upgrading to Longhorn unless some very cool things are put in there, XP Pro(and 2000 at work) work fine for me... of course I said the same thing about 10.4 and looky here both my macs have 10.4 on them lol.


Microsoft copies Apple Apple copies Microsoft. It's as simple as that. I think Vista actually looks quite nice, kinda jumbled, IMO. You had that blue feeling to XP in a sense, Vista is somewhat multlcoloured. I still like it though.
Jason said:
Yay more overreaction. First off, what do you expect? It's the next logical step in searching. MS has had this planned since before OSX 10.4 was announced with spotlight included. Obviously Apple has been on the ball and got it out there sooner, but MS really isn't stealing a thing. And OSX like icons? What no other operating system is allowed to have high resolution icons? That makes no sense... so MS isn't allowed to progress, because if they progress they are simply stealing from Apple... but if they don't progress they are stupid for being behind... *sigh* Sometimes fan boyism can only go so far.

In other news, I won't be upgrading to Longhorn unless some very cool things are put in there, XP Pro(and 2000 at work) work fine for me... of course I said the same thing about 10.4 and looky here both my macs have 10.4 on them lol.

It's What Bill Gates argued about when he took the mouse idea, "now come on Steve, there was no owner to the wheel"

Can't argue your point, but gee I get sick of people saying Macs are crap when they don't realise where Windows get their ideas from. ;)
The problem with Windows Vista is the interface looks pieced together with no design or style. People will probably buy this new operating system but the lack of consistency and difficult to use interface will eventually send them back to Windows XP or go to Mac OS X.
It doesn't really matter if Microsoft had this search technology in the making. They were late to the game. It wouldn't have been hard for them to add tabs or start pop up blocking in SP2 to Internet Explorer. But they didn't.
I do compliment them on a well designed taskbar. It stands out.
ApeInTheShell - I think you're very wrong (about some parts)

People will hate the interface (or pieces of it). For instance, there's no logical reason (beyond aesthetics) for the window close/minimise/restore widgets to be so thin (and thus hard to click). There's no good reason for the windows to be translucent in Windows either, since so much of the time is spent with the windows maximised, all you get is confusion behind the toolbars.

The inconsistency is horrific. And it's bad in Tiger too (just look at Mail, or the way Spotlight works).

So yeah, you were right about that. But it won't deter many people (if any). People just use their PCs (they learn how to do things, even if they're awkward) because they're told they're easy to use. They see kids using them. They won't use XP because Microsoft (and their kids) will tell them that Vista has whopping great big new features and using Windows XP then is like using Windows 95 now. And most people don't even realise that there are other OSes (even on Macs).

It's unlikely that a bad interface will spark much of a change in the general populous. I mean, just look at Internet Explorer (for Windows).