Spotlight not finding everything it should

yeah i know - apple has made no comment that external volumes added could affect spotlight in a sour way - i mean it will only really work on local, or 'permanent' external volumes. nor did they make much of an effort telling people it would only work with HFS+, which i suppose is expected...

it takes 3 hours to index a decent sized volume on a powermac. that erases all viability for spotlighting external temporary drives. i've always thought that the sacrifice for fast searching, is obviously a slower filing system, if it has to update spotlight every time something changes

i have someones almost-identical-to-mine lacie porsche drive in mind. he'll have to let me borrow it...
Wait....Spotlight can only index HFS+ volumes? Why? Is it possible you could manually enable indexing on your drive in Terminal using mdutil? (Type "man mdutil" in Terminal for more info.)

Now, an update on my situation:
I made an AppleScript to redo my entire comments system so that there are neat little spaces between each tag. Works a LOT better now, but it's still not perfect. I've now found that it will not find the target string in my comments field if there is a "™" in the comments. Don't ask me why. There are still more eccentricities that are blocking a few results, but I have not yet figured them out.

WHY THE HELL CAN'T THIS JUST WORK?!?!? </venting> *sigh*
they've used HFS+ because it's their proprietry filing system, optimised for mac - for the same reason mac don't need defrag or anything like that, HFS+ is optimised enough for spotlight to be possible. it's using architecture attribute of HFS+ to make it what it is.