stability of Illustrator CS vs. 10


does anyone have experience with Illustrator CS and Illustrator 10? Is CS more stable/reliable?
I use Illustrator CS every day at work. It's great, but when you try to export a legacy file (10 or earlier) all fonts get truncated so you can't edit them effectively. However, it works great by itself and you can save directly to PDF. Love it!

I imagine 10 is just as good, but with fewer bells and whistles (features and effects). Though I haven't ever used it.

I like your website! Do you use ProE for your 3D renders?
Thanks, the renderings are done with Alias AutoStudio. Alias also makes Maya which most Mac ppl are more familiar with. They kinda do the same thing but for very different purposes. AutoStudio you can do cars, boats, vehicles with. It can do up to G5 curvature not to mention that it costs something like 20K per license. But I took classes at Art Center to learn Alias using those SGI's.
I use Illustrator every day myself and find that while it's quite stable on a G5 it's pretty buggy on my iBook 800. I see a lot of the Apple crash reporter.
which version of Illustrator do you use? I primarily use Illustrator 10.0.3 on a G4 10.3.4. Yes it is quite buggy. In our shop, it probably crashes once a day for each person. I think a lot of it has to do with font issues. But there is a consistent crash with Illustrator on only 1 of our computers: file>place>select file>cancel ... then it crashes. wierd ...

I'm not sure if it's worth upgrading to CS. I was pretty impressed with the 3-D features that it has. I just want stability.

(btw, "G5" in my other post referred to this feature on CAD applications. it sorta refers to the degree of curvature in joining surfaces ... I don't know if that means anything ...)
If you want stability then definitely go with CS. I use it for 10 hours a day, for weeks at a time without any crashes.

G5 is a champfer creator, in other words? :)
well i suppose it's kinda like a chamfer creator ... but there's different degrees of curvature ... imagine the curves on the body of a car. the various degrees from G0 to G5 allow different degrees of control of different surfaces. it's like 2 planes of surfaces that you want it to meet. will it be tangent to the edge of both curves to form a seemless transition? will it be tangent to 1 edge and not the other to form the kind of car styling popular today? etc ...

btw, this IS my 200th post yay!