Steve calls father who's son died over an iPod

Wow...I'll tell you what, that's a living example there of "Think Different." I commend Steve Jobs for that. God bless him.
Bravo Steve, if anything he should payroll a search to find the kids who killed the boy for his iPod.

I saw on the news that most muggers are looking for white ear-buds and/or wires going into the pocket with the iPod. what a sick world we live in...
If there wasn't so much hype about iPods, then perhaps people wouldn't be robbed and now murdered for them. Maybe Mr Jobs feels a bit guilty for feeding the hysteria, but as scathing as I am towards those that feed such hysteria, I'm more scathing of those idiots that buy into it.
I'm very impressed by the way the father is handling it. It's very easy to demonize and dismiss the attackers, but he's not. He realizes that there are deeper issues here.

fj's right, it's about the hysteria. Fashion and status mean a lot in America. It's hammered into everyone's head from almost the day they're born. Everyone buys into it one way or another, and it's evil (for lack of a better word) up and down the spectrum. It's just that it's not manifested so shockingly among people who can afford to literally buy into it; it's the people who can't that kill over it. But the difference is more of means than of morals, far more than people would like to admit.
I don't doubt that the muggers placed a higher value on the iPod due to "iPod hysteria", but there's nothin' wrong with being cool and promoting the coolness factor of a product to sell more of them.

The way you guys are talking is like people can't handle themselves... Obviously the muggers couldn't handle themselves, but it's hardly Steve Jobs' fault. And "evil" is definetly the wrong term for describing fashion hysteria. Granted, I gag when my wife watches America's Next Top Model, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good. "Moderation in everything", right?

Let's also not forget that iPods are actually quite handy, regardless of their fashion-sense.
It's just that when you heard about similar muggers in the past going after mobile phones, it sounded very differently. "Mobile phones" is generic, "iPod" is not.
iPod says Apple. Mr. Jobs made that call not only to help dispel the bad image that this created for Apple, but to give his sympathies to a father who lost his son. Mr. Jobs has a heart.
Yes. I've read the news article now, too. Must say, that's a good way to react.
i have never heard of anything like this before. i think the moving thing is the senserity that he conveyed, it seemed like it was deep-felt.
Shookster said:
Has Jobs got children? It sounded from the article like he had, which would explain why he could "feel his pain."

I know he's got a daughter at least, not sure of any others.

Lisa, named after his daughter, his first computer before Mac release ;)
Thats so nice of jobs, i doubt lazy pothead gates would do that. Way to go jobs, see now we know that he's a good guy, (didnt know he was this christ like) i always like him somehow...

One more thing, i dont blame that kid, i wouldnt give up my iPod either man

Thats so sad, but so nice what jobs did.

God Bless you steve Jobs!
RGrphc2 said:
I saw on the news that most muggers are looking for white ear-buds and/or wires going into the pocket with the iPod. what a sick world we live in...

I've seen that too. Though i have seen people quietly pull out a 7yr old panasonic walkman tape player with the white ear-phones attached.

(From earlier)—Hype over a product and murder do not go hand in hand. I am not buying into this argument.

I would make an educated guess that every single one of us on this board would not murder someone over an iPod even though all of us are in the same hype vortex as everyone else. Therefore the problem is elsewhere.

What happened to the good old days when you just beat somebody up for their lunch money? Or, in my case, got beat up for my lunch money.

And I wonder what the heck is going on in the perps' minds. Are they thinking, OK, we need to kill somebody for their iPod, or let's steal that iPod at all costs, or let's steal that iPod and rough him up a bit (and it got out of hand)…

Sorry, rambling, just fascinated by such craziness.

As outlined in many biographies and Apple historical books, Jobs has often been characterized as being somewhat of a business tyrant, but extremely loyal to friends and family. He's got your back, in other words. It's not too surprising that he reached out to this man, but I sure wouldn't have the integrity to do it.
Well: Usually, muggers are interested in the profit, not the device itself. The iPod probably sells well, I guess. It's hip, costs something, and the white earbuds tell a thief that there's a good potential. How far it goes (showing a knife or even using it?) depends on the thief, his problems, his lack of spirit...
You might say it's a sad world we live in, but don't think that the old days were better. There was always criminal energy. The 90s or 80s weren't better. Nor the 19th century. Or the good old days of Rome, Greece, Egypt. We tend to romanticise our own past. And hey: I'm sure schoolboys still get beat up for their lunch-money or their lunch if that makes you feel any better. ;)
(...adapted from the movie 'Crocodile Dundee'...)

teen 1: "You call that an MP3 player?"

teen 2: (...briefly looks down at his new iRiver...)

teen 1: "THIS... is an MP3 player!"
(...pulls out an iPod...)
fryke said:
You might say it's a sad world we live in, but don't think that the old days were better. There was always criminal energy. The 90s or 80s weren't better. Nor the 19th century. Or the good old days of Rome, Greece, Egypt. We tend to romanticise our own past. And hey: I'm sure schoolboys still get beat up for their lunch-money or their lunch if that makes you feel any better. ;)
This is absolutely true, things are reported more, the world is a smaller place and perhaps we are more concerned about stamping such behaviour out, but never think things were better in the past they were not. Of course this is no comfort to anyone who looses a loved one in such a manner.
Did you hear/read of/about the girl that battered her boyfriend to death with an iPod? Apparently, that was the first reported incident of an iPod being part of a crime.