Stuck in remote control mode


I'm not sure what's happening here
A friend of mine gave me a power mac G4
When I boot up the computer,I get a grey screen and what looks like a yellow firewire logo slowly floating around.
I don't know much about computers but I was told it had something to do with
my computer waiting to be controlled by another computer.
I have no clue.
Does anyone know what's going on, and tell how to get my G4 up and running?
Thanks very much
For some reason your computer is stuck in"Firewire Target Disk Mode" which allows another computer to use the hard drive as a external disk.Check and see if the "T"key is stuck on your keyboard.If it is not you'll have to boot off of a Mac OS install disk OS 9 or better.Put the disk in the optical drive,restart holding down the "C" key.When booted,you'll need to select the startup disk from the menu.From a OS9 disk menu>control panels.startup disk.From OSX utilities>startup disk.If nothing is wrong with the HD it will appear with its OS in the box.Highlight the box, hit restart and you should be good to go.
You might want to go here for further info""
Oh boy..I think I'm in big trouble here
I tried to boot off of install disks OS.X, and v10.3, and the same thing keeps happening.
I also checked to see if my "T" key was sticking, and that wasn't the case.
Could my computer be dead? Like I said, I'm not a computer guy.
To tell you the truth, how or why my friend got the computer into this state is beyond me,
because like me, he doesn't know much about computers.

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Try a couple of resets:
Unplug the power cord.
Open the side door, and remove the battery from the logic board. Test the battery, if possible, the battery should be more than 3.5 volts. Press the PMU reset button, which will usually be within a few inches of the battery holder. Put the battery back in, press the button again (once only), and plug power cord back in. Press and release the power button. Immediately press and hold Option-Command-P and R. You should hear the boot chime sound. Keep holding those same 4 keys until you hear the boot chime 2 more times. Release the keys, and immediately hold Option-Command-O and F (that's the letter O) You'll get a screen with text. Type reset-nvram and press Return or Enter. You should get an OK. Type reset-all, and press Return again. Your Mac should reboot. If none of this works - try a different USB keyboard.
I knew I came to the right place....IT WORKS!!!
Thank you so much.
And thank you Google
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