success with alcatel speedtouch is OS X?


i just downloaded the new driver upgrade for OS X for the Alcatel Speedtouch USB ADSL modem. after running the installer, i could not get it to connect. anyone have success, if so, any tips??
I just downloaded the drivers too installed them and set up the modem in ppp.

Couldn't get a connection.

I called Bellsouth, my ADSL provider and they said they did not support Mac OS X yet.

Of course this is just some call center phone jockey so I'm not really sure she knew what was going on.

There are no instructions with the installer unfortunately.

But here is what I did.

Installed the package and restarted.

Plugged my speedtouch USB modem in and was recognized.

Set up my new ADSL port in Network settings, username, and password. Didn't know what number to put in the number to dial so I used what they told me to use in OS 9 and below...0 or 1

open my ppp connection manage and chose my new modem but could not connect.

Any body from over there in the UK have any success stories with your modems?
Well. i have an Alcatel (Ethernet though)... with bellsouth.. the guy at Bellsouth said..we do not support OSX...then iafter a while i thought... if there is no software to install.. how is that possible that Bellsouth itself does not su[pport X?? then i though.. they are dumb ass.. the do no even know what they re talking about..and .. i was right cause my Alcatel (ethernet) provide a great service (trough Bellsouth) .
So .. Bellsouth DOES work on X.. and very well.. guys at Bellsouth do not even know what X now.. yours is a problem with Driver modem.. do not let them fool you around :-)
Sorry, I need to make myself more clear. They don't support the Alcatel USB modem on OS X, actually they DO NOT provide support for OS X.

If you have a DSL modem that runs of PPPOverEthernet then you're probably fine. But as far as getting help from Bellsouth on how to get it working, you're S.O.L.

PPPOE doesn't require drivers in OS X for the modem just a PPP client, which there are many 3rd party ones, not to mention the one built into OS X.

So, what I should have said and maybe this is the same thing as my first post but... Bellsouth does not provide support for their ADSL service using the Alcatel Speedtouch USB.
Well here in sunny London, I've got the slug working fien with OSX over USB.

However it was a bit rough. Kernel panics etc.

Here's what I did if it helps!

First I installed the driver.
Then I went to the Network Control Panel to configure everything. A little box came up saying something along the lines of a new Network port has been detected etc etc.... Clicked OK.

Now in the drop down where you normally select your Ethernet connetion or Apple Modem, ADSL Speedtouch has been added. I selected that.

PPP I left on automatic.

In the modem tab I selected Null Modem 11250.

Then in the Internet connect app I set my dial number to 0 put in my username and password and hit connect.

Nothing happened.

Restarted - Went to Network Control panel - Kernel Panic.

Restarted - Both green lights came on on the modem. Went to Internet Connect - Connected to the internet - surfed round for a bit.

Seems to be fine now. Hope this helps. I wasn't on my Mac when I typed this so exact details may not be perfect, but you should get the gist.

Using Pipex Xtreme service (UK) & they DO SUPPORT MACOS X... they even have a guide that you can download telling you how to set it all up :-))

& this is for the Speed Touch USB that....
Originally posted by hyph-n
Using Pipex Xtreme service (UK) & they DO SUPPORT MACOS X... they even have a guide that you can download telling you how to set it all up :-))

& this is for the Speed Touch USB that....

Hey! I'm From Oxfordshire, with Pipex, and for the 2 weeks, since i've been "live" its been great! (all Being on Windows XP, and Windows *cough*cough* 98 SE)

...Although i've not been so Succesful, trying to get OS 8.1 to Connect via DSL :( (Via emulation!)

NeYo - emulation problem may be down to the emulator not supporting USB?

ps: like the XP aqua look - how did u do it? (got XP @ work)