Suggestions appreciated


I got a little of a dilemma.. I'm going to buy my first Mac in a couple of months or so (coming from the i386+linux world), and have decided to go with the iBook (12.1", 600mhz, dvd+cdrw). But with faster cpu's and G5's coming soon, what do you people (who might be able to make qualified guesses) think that Apple will do with the iBooks in 3-4 months? If I buy an iBook in 2 months, will there be an even better deal for the same price 2 months after that? Now, of course I will get more for my money if I wait 2 months, but is it worth the wait?

Having sneaking around here for the past 2 months, I must say this is one of the most friendliest forums I've ever seen. =)

Look around for a PowerBook. G3's are on their way out in my opinion. I found a refurbished PowerBook 550 at and it was only $1799. No combo drive but i already have an external burner.

heh, kinda interesting, but iBooks are now offered with 14 inch screens, and for around the same price as the old PowerBook G3... so basically, it's more a question of "Do you want your book in black or white?"

I don't think the iBook line is going to be update until maybe 6 months from now. Buying the right Mac for you is really just a matter of how long you're willing to wait for it.
They're all very good, but we're always asking this sort of question: "I'd like to get x, but is y just around the corner?"
If the iBook 500 had been released a month or two later, I would probably have just picked up a second-hand cube. If I had been able to put it off for another four months, I could have got the iBook 600 with a faster bus speed. It doesn't matter as long as you get something that will do all you want for as long as you're going to keep it. I figure my iBook will be enough for a couple of years.
My advice: just get what you can afford. Don't stretch your budget so far you can't afford to upgrade later, but don't settle for something that doesn't do what you want to do.
My advice is that since MWSF has come and gone, you should just indulge yourself now and try not to be disappointed if in 2 or 3 months there are 700 MHz G4 iBooks with 22" screens and 400 MHz system buses for $999 and OS X 10.5. :p

Seriously, though, it's a neverending cycle. Your computer is always going to be obsolete pretty damned soon, so you might as well save yourself the worry and just splurge. :)
Originally posted by simX
Seriously, though, it's a neverending cycle. Your computer is always going to be obsolete pretty damned soon, so you might as well save yourself the worry and just splurge. :)

Yeah, it's a rapidly moving world out there. =) I guess I just wanted to get some grip of how often Apple updates their hardware deals. It really doesn't matter if I wait 2 or 4 months till buying my iBook, but I wont wait longer than 4 months. Thanks.
MWNY is in July (I think). We won't see any earth shattering new stuff at that show though. I think Apple is about done with major hardware announcements for the year. Hopefully there will be some upgraded software introduced soon.

I agree that you just have to take your chances when buying a new system. The heartbreaker for me is that the new "14 top of the line iBooks just announced are the same price as what I paid for my 12.1" 500MHz combo drive model just last September. I still love mine, which is a good thing since it ain't worth squat on the market now :D. Oh well...
i think anyone concerned with a machine's longevity should be buying Macs with G4 processors... The G3 is definitely on its way out.