Switchers Stories

Well, mostly in my computer life I have been a Windows person, got my first PC when I was thirteen and it came with DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1. The games were nice, but not much more that could be done. I believe the Mac OS was already 10 years ahead like anyone else by that time... Anyway, so the software evolved as well as the computers, and 95 came out, the Internet available to the public, then 98 came out. Sometime later I have seen some Macs, running OS 8.something. It was already very easy to use!! But by that time I didn't have the money (well I didn't have any money at all) to even start to dream about having such a Mac. Then I saw the package of OS 9 in the shops, and I was only stunned by the features and the easiness of the system.

But then, in my opinion the real big problems began for the Windows world, mainly when the Internet got available and as Windows was already widely used. I have seen it all. Viruses smashing my data, crashes and blue screens (BSODs) smashing and crunching my data. It never worked fine for me, even when I didn't change anything in the system itself.

So it became clear to me that I need something else. I started off with Linux first, made some long-term tests (6 months and more) to see how compatible and usable it really is a desktop OS. It works well - when you know how to install things, when you're that Tim-Taylor-Tool-Time-Person, who likes to build things on their own. That was fun, it was nice, but not quite what I wanted.

So I've started to gather information about Apple and Mac OS and the history. By that time Mac OS X 10.1 was out, and I was just amazed. So I started to save money to get such a thing as I have learned that Apple sells its own machines, the Macs. So time passed by and finally I got a PowerBook G4 with OS X 10.3 on it, and a little later I got another iMac G5 which I use as my primary PC, the Laptop for the road.

I have not had ANY critical problem whatsoever with my Macs, IT JUST WORKS!! And that's how it should be. It is the easiest system I've ever seen, and the first OS that deserves the mark 'Real Plug & Play'. Everything works just fine, I will never go back to anything else again.
aicul said:
I'm a camaleon, use mac at home and pc in the office.

I'm the other way round – Mac at work (PCs just don't do graphic design) and PC at home (the Mac's a great gaming platform, but Mac games are released 6–9 months after the PC version, if at all).
I needed to buy a laptop for college. While expensive, and alittle behind the times compared to newer laptops, the G4 Powerbook had the combination of features I like the most. Plus, my PC computer had been seriously deteriorating over the past year and giving me constant grief. The fact that my brother already made the switch to G4 PB and loved it sealed the deal. I just waited until Powerbooks got their 2005 speed bump and Tiger was finally released (using UpToDate, im getting it legally for $10) to buy it.

However, I'm definatley having issues. Maybe the release of 10.3.9 wasnt the best time. Once Tiger comes in, I hope its all better.