System Pref Startup Disk Selection resets itself


The Startup Disk selection in System Pref keeps changing back to OS 9.2.2 from OS 10.0.4 (even when its locked) every time you quit System Prefs or restart the computer. Has anyone seen this before.
There have been tons of updates for both the Startup Volume control panel of Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X 10 (10.1, 10.2, ..., 10.2.4). I'd try updating.

Other than that, could it be that the battery on your Mac's logic board is empty? If so, change that. And zap the PRAM. :p That always helps...

-> Cold Start; Apple-Option-P-R (Hold them until the chime chimes again...)
I had this problem with 10.0 all the time. It's been fixed since 10.1 but if you've got the gumption the time to go to Jaguar is now.