TechTool Pro v6.0.4

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That info is on Micromat's web site - simple to find there.

if you need more help with that, scroll to the bottom of the page.

And, exceptions for the bootable DVD that comes with that -

Is Tech Tool Pro needed?
I don't use it, but some folks swear by it. It's good software, and one of the few outside of Apple own service diagnostics that will do a pretty good hardware test.
No -
There's no 'magic potion' to somehow make your eMac perform at the level of even the slowest intel mac.
The best that you can do is the normal system maintenance - much of this is done by OS X itself.
A hard drive with plenty of free space for your OS X system to work. Free space should be at least 25% of hard drive capacity.
Max out your RAM memory.
Don't load down your OS X system with software that runs in the background, unless that's part of the software that you use. One of the worst offenders is any anti-virus software.

Don't get sucked in by something like MacKeeper - that's one that you see banner ads all over the net. Makes you leaner and meaner (You would be leaner and meaner, not your Mac. Leaner because you wasted your money, and meaner because MK 'helped' you by trashing your system :D)
Tech Tool Pro is good at what it does, but it's not the 'ultimate super-speed-make-my-Mac-blindingly-fast-and-trouble-free' tool that you might want (there isn't one of those), but it CAN help you decide how to proceed if you are having problems, and can help you keep your Mac at whatever its best level is.
Most Mac users would have OnyX close to the top of any maintenance utility list. Other users will offer the opinion that you really don't need 'other' software, when OS X does a pretty good job of maintaining itself. I'm somewhere in the middle, I think.
OnyX has more features than MainMenu

In the end - when what you look for is a GUI to run the maintenance scripts that are part of OS X, there's several dozen utilities that purport to do that. I probably have 10, maybe 15 of them. Some are better "respected" than some others.
OnyX is usually near the top of the list - so is MainMenu.
Something annoying like MacKeeper will be near the bottom.... but that's just my opinion (shared by a large number who frequent this site, I bet)
They do what they do in a different manner - but the TASKS that they perform are the same. OnyX (or any of the numerous other apps that call themselves OS X maintenance utilities) is perhaps no better (nor worse) than MainMenu.
Try a couple, and keep ones you like.
I suspect everyone has 'seen' MacKeeper. It's advertised on huge numbers of Mac support and Mac news sites.
When folks come here to post about their experiences with MacKeeper, it's not about how wonderful it is....
I've seen enough of those kind of threads that make me continue to keep "hands off"
This article refers to the info sites around MacKeeper as 'slimy', and I tend to agree.

Bottom line with MacKeeper - is that there is a bottom line! They do want your money, after all. And for the same tasks that are available for free, from other companies that don't try to impress with how many sites they can link to.
I disagree with that type of business plan.
I don't disagree with making money. I do have a problem when forced to pay for supposed 'protection'
It stinks like Windows popups "We have detected a problem on your system! Please empty your wallet into our 'free' repair service!"
seems like nothing for Mac OS X is free i had to find cracks for Xslimmer AppDelete AND MainMenu also had to find cracks to Toast 10 and MS Office 2008 with Windows theres tons of free alternatives with mac not so much it is a pain in the ass having to hunt down a crack to EVERY non apple app i did have iWork 09 installed and cracked it but didnt see much point in its purpose or use AppleWorks was a much better program over all only thing i didnt have to crack was iLife 06
what hard earned dollars? i have no money apple and microsoft are multi-billion dollar corperations for {bleep} everyone over by charging more for their stuff then its worth they aint out anything by pirating

600 dollars for vista at release? 2400 dollars for a Mac Pro? i can BUILD a Mac Pro Hackintosh for a FRACTION of that 1000 dollars for a MacBook? i can build a hackintosh MacBook for 300 bucks and a Hackintosh MBA for 250 cant get the hardware free but sure as hell can get the software
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Nobody on the face of the earth has been “{bleeped} over" by Apple's pricing. Computers and software are luxuries that people buy when they've saved up enough money and can afford it.

If you can't afford a computer and software, you don't get a computer and software. You go down to the public library and use their crappy computers. Once you become a contributing member of society, you deserve a computer (or whatever other luxury items float your boat).

You already have Linux, which is as free as it gets, and now you want a whole bunch of stuff from Apple and Microsoft for free, too? Your sense of entitlement precedes you.
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i have a Microsoft laptop for Games and all my computers have come with some version of windows i always deleted windows off 1st thing
when you can BUILD a 100% fully functional Hackintosh for FRACTIONS of what apple charges the yes YOU ARE
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when i can build 10 computers for the price of 1 Mac Pro or build 3 for the price of a MB then yes you are
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when i can build 10 computers for the price of 1 Mac Pro or build 3 for the price of a MB then yes you are getting {bleeped} over

Some mod on this forum needs to swing the banhammer on this member. I had a feeling he was a troll a couple weeks ago, that's why I quit responding to his questions a while ago. Activity like this keeps up, this site will lose members that do contribute useful info.

Anybody else on this thread that comes across this, please REPORT LeoTheLion89.
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Sounds like someone is still not over missing Apple stock when it was low...

Historical factoid - Apple stock was under $20 less than 8 years ago (Sept 2004).

Amazing!, that's around the time that your 'new' eMac actually was first sold...
You may not have any 'hard earned' dollars, but Apple does, growing a business is not easy - perhaps you can learn something from that....
That's in spite of your crummy outlook on life in general...
$1,000 invested then, now around $27,000
That would be sh-weet, don't you think?
By you logic, Leo: Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, GE, Maytag, Frigidaire, Gap, Ralph Lauren, Ruth's Chris, McDonald's, Burger King, Hershey's, and every other company known to man is effing us over because they all offer products at price points higher than what other companies offer "comparable" products for.
$1,000 invested then, now around $27,000
That would be sh-weet, don't you think?
yea that would be cool however buying a 1000 laptop that would be 27000 to apple not you. and to whoever reported me on a PIRACY violation just want to mention the fact i wasnt asking for pirated software nor was i asking for help with it so there is no violation
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