tell me what you think of this project


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Please tell me what you think of these images i created for a 3D class i took that just finished last week, this is my first attempt at 3D so be kind. Our project was to make a cartoon with 12 images done in Cinema 4D and cleaned up in photoshop. Some of the backgrounds i think could have been better, i would appreciate any feedback, thanks
Miami? Vercetto? Is this based on Vice City? :) Anyway, I like them! They have a special style.. Although in that first pic, I can't really see depth between the buildings on the left side..
Miami? Vercetto? Is this based on Vice City?
haha, yeah vice city was an influence although his name is vercetti so...

Thanks though, the first one was hard to frame so the background matched the rest of the building.
It's interesting how light Miami is at 9:30 at night... Even in the summer, I don't think it's that light.

But you did an excellent job, even for a beginner. Very cartoonish. I like the Matrix-style bullet contrails.
thanks,:) the project was a supposed to be a cartoon, also i had no idea about the time of the sunset in Miami and i had run out of time to look it up
Is it hard to learn Cinema 4D?
I am using Lightwave, and it's not easy...
Seems to me, you 've got skills.
Originally posted by jimbaar
Is it hard to learn Cinema 4D?

It isnt really hard, modeling is pretty easy, but animating and using Body Paint can be a little trickier
I would work on the textures and lighting more than anything; a well-rendered scene has multiple light sources. The poly count is a little low as well, but easy to fix with HyperNURBS or the object properties. :) PM me if you need help.
If you know the fundamentals of 3D, all you really need to learn to go from Lightwave to Cinema is the interface. This is not an easy task, mind you...