

I must learn how to use this app, and control the Unix side of my beast!

For a start, I don' tknow unix codes, though I have a Linux thing... the use the same codes, right?

Also, how do I make it part transparent? And also keep the same colour theme through multiple terminal windows?

Also, is there a way to say something apart from Localhost in the prompt? I want it to say Mr. iMac, which is what I call the computer :D
Linux and UNIX use ALMOST the same code. Buy a book about BSD UNIX or search the net!

Get TinkerTool 2.0.2 for transparent windows

sudo pico /etc/motd

coontrol x, then (single) y to save!


PS.: Keep your beast in a cage and be carefull with sudo!!! :eek: ;)
You don't need TinkerTool to make your Terminal transparent. Much better to use the Terminal itself, and learn something in the process. To change the transparancy, you use the defaults command:

defaults write com.apple.terminal TerminalOpaqueness 'x'

In stead of the x you put a value between 1 and 0. Where 0 is totally transparant and 1 is the opposite. I.e. '0.80'

And by changing the /etc/motd you change the message that pops up when you open your Terminal, not the name of your localhost.

Hope this helps. :)

Originally posted by Hypernate

Also, is there a way to say something apart from Localhost in the prompt? I want it to say Mr. iMac, which is what I call the computer :D

Absolutely. The default shell in OS X is tcsh. Create a .tcshrc in your home directory and you can set the prompt in there.

set prompt="prompt string"

To see what your current one is, type 'set | grep prompt'. It's the actual 'prompt' setting.