The Chimera Thread

Originally posted by Valrus
My Chimera v0.2.6 crashes too.

I'm using IE! For God's sake! I'm ready to slit my wrists! :(

You can also play with Mozilla and OmniWeb you know. :)
Well strange as it may sound, Chimera is now working for me too. I the file I d/led yesterday inlcuding the .dmg. Used rm -rf .mozilla in my home directory to get rid of the invisible folder, d/led it again from the Chimera website using IE this time instead of Moz, installed and now it works fine. Really wierd....I wonder if d/ling it w/ IE had anything to do w/ it working this time around.:confused:

EDIT:Ah I see in the About window that it's now at so maybe that's why it magically works all of the sudden.
Mozilla RC1 on OS X is nasty-ass. The theme is screwed up and it crashes when I try to get a new one!

I'll try my luck with 0.2.6...

-the valrus
Posting from Chimera! Ahhhh....

Thank goodness for! Best release ever!

-the valrus
...but got no reply. Why the excitement over Chimera? I've d/led it, and it's OK, but I don't see what's so exciting about it (and yes, I appreciate it's still a <1.0 version). Can someone enlighten me? What am I missing? Why the constant vigilance for the latest version increment?
Originally posted by tismey
...but got no reply. Why the excitement over Chimera? I've d/led it, and it's OK, but I don't see what's so exciting about it (and yes, I appreciate it's still a <1.0 version). Can someone enlighten me? What am I missing? Why the constant vigilance for the latest version increment?

It's fast, it's in development, and it has got a great UI. Mozilla is fast, but the UI looks like an early beta version of Windows or something :p
IE has got the best UI, but it's slow, and it's Microsoft.
Personally I think OmniWeb has the best UI. It looks the most like Aqua. IE make the buttons look all strange...

(This is completely disregarding any speed issues, so don't tell me about it. ;) )
Personally, my vigilance for the release was because the previous one crashed!

I like Chimera because it's fast, clean, and promising. It renders pages quickly, correctly and beautifully even at this early stage. All the basic functionality aside from downloading is here, and even downloading technically works. It's just not tied to the GUI yet.

Basically, here's why:
OmniWeb is nice but too slow, and they bug me for money.
IE is Microsoft. Enough said. It's also slow and non-standards-perfect; some of my HTML and CSS on my web page was wrong because I was testing it with IE.
Mozilla is okay but it looks like crap! The interface is slow and ugly even though it loads pages fairly quickly.
I'm not even going to touch Netscape after what I've read on Versiontracker.

There ya go.

-the valrus
Yeah, what about iCab? It is one fast browser!
As for Mozilla, forget about 1.0RC1. Go to and get the latest nightly build. Then get the Pinstripe theme for it. Still not a beauty contest winner, but it's a decent looking, stable, feature-rich and fast browser.
If it weren't for OmniWeb's ability to utilize the OS X Spellchecker and Services, Mozilla would be my default browser.
I've tried iCab and I did not like it. It may be faster than Chimera but, well, that won't make me use it. :p

So I don't know that I am qualified to draw a comparison...

-the valrus
I don't use it myself. But I was wondering if you had already tried it.

I use OmniWeb as my default, because I have only had it crash once (when deleting all of my email from Hotmail (which I use as a trash can)). Mozilla and Chimera crash too much for my liking.
So the main attraction is what it's going to do, as opposed to what it does now?

I'm not being awkward here. I've found it's fast, but it's nowhere near stable enough for me to use day-to-day.
Originally posted by tismey
So the main attraction is what it's going to do, as opposed to what it does now?

Who said that was the main attraction? I like that it seems very promising, but I think that even if you don't consider its sub-1.0 version number it's still a decent browser.

I'm not being awkward here. I've found it's fast, but it's nowhere near stable enough for me to use day-to-day.

Might just be different systems and browsing habits, but I haven't really had any stability problems. No more than Mozilla or IE, at least. I think it really just comes down to personal preference and how much beta-ness you're willing to put up with. Like I said, though, I would use Chimera more than any other browser even if they had decided to call the current release 1.0! I just like the relative simplicity and attractiveness of the interface and the speed. Of course. :p

-the valrus
Basically why so many people like it is because it combines the best of two worlds. Argueably the best rendering engine - Gecko and argueably the best application framework - cocoa.

And thats why its so exciting, in a nutshell. Also it is very nice now with speed and beauty.
I use Chimera as my primary browser.
I like the anti-aliased text.
I like the Aqua website widgets (although they still need some work).
I like the Mozilla engine which is fast, fast, fast!

I know that there are bugs, but for my needs it is virtually there (lack background tab loading is my current biggest beef).

IE is ok, but it is slow on certain pages. Mozilla can look half-decent with the pinstripe skin, but the window contents still look like crap.

As for stability, I find it is pretty much as stable as anything else I've used.

I know there are things missing from this release, but for the most part these are things I don't care about very much.

Jav: Yeah, lack of background loading is BAD now, and also, if you have 10+ tabs(as I always have) the browser slows down a LOT