the dragon puffing poll

do u puff the magic dragon?

  • every damn day

  • sometimes

  • yes but in-frequently

  • awhile ago but not anymore

  • never

Results are only viewable after voting.
this topic came up on the opinion of did or did not admin puff the dragon.... i thought the mac comunity might be a bit happy so ive made a poll to find out just how "happy" we all are....
I love the smell of dragon breath in the morning. It's the smell of hickory.

Or something.
Originally posted by rinse
*gurgle bubble fwissssssssh* dude... those macs are sweet *cough* *cough*


that made my day!

ok, i put sometimes...

not now...

youy kniw what i found out? hash is better than weed. so is alcohol. weed just get's you tired, at least me, i get no pleasure from it.