The new MacBook (No "Pro")

If they can fit it in an Macbook Pro, they can fit it in an iBook as well. The only thing is the cost, and since they can get it in the iMac for that cheap cost, they should be able to do the same in the iBook.

The shared RAM is never going to be as fast as dedicated RAM, and with the Mini you only get 80MB or something. Plus you loose RAM for the rest of your system, and we all know how much OS X likes RAM.

The Mini can't even play 720p H.264 smoothly from what I've read while the iMac can. CPU speed does help but the graphics system helps as well.
alright, alls i'm saying is, i'd prefer a sub-£700 stylish long battery life portable with a nice screen and innovative features.
Captain Code said:
True it's better than that Radeon but they should keep it competitive with other laptops at that price. I'm a student so I don't want to have to pay $3000 CAD for a Pro just to have an OK video card.

So the ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 with 128 or 256MB of RAM is just an "OK video card?" Sheesh! Talk about hard to please!

I gotta agree with Burns here -- most likely, the MacBook will have integrated Intel video (or keep their lower-cost video card)... the iBook has never had a "gaming-quality" or "Final Cut Pro-quality" video card, and expecting that to change now simply because we've got a new name and a new processor is just wishful thinking. The MacBook will be a lower-priced notebook, and, as such, will probably not have cutting-edge (or even high-end) graphics.
at the next event, apple will anounce the mac book which will have a 2.5ghz core duo, radeon x1600, 1680x1050 13.3" display brighter than any dell, 4 firewire 800 slots, dual gigabit ethernet, 16x dl superdrives, 12 hours battery and come with 2gb ram standard. it'll be the thinnest, lightest notebook computer ever and ship for $700. or i'll throw myself off a building and never buy apple again. apple better do this or they'll fail, and lose my custom. i'll buy a vaio if they don't.

They should introduce some kind of cap that clicks or slides over the webcam, you can never trust those things.:eek:
Veljo said:
They should introduce some kind of cap that clicks or slides over the webcam, you can never trust those things.

I vote the guy who came up with this up there with the person who invented bottled water... :rolleyes:

To those who are stupid enough to part with $10 and get one of these things, please report back here so we can ridicule you. Thanks.
hehe... :) yeah. btw.: "bottled water" is just an excuse for having bad tap-water, anyway. but back to the MacBook...

People who expect an iBook replacement to be a good 3D games machines should not argue too much, because they're just going to be veeeeeeeeery p**d off once Apple releases the thing. Just look back at the iBooks of the past: They _never_ had graphics cards that were top-notch at the time the iBooks actually shipped. The intel on-board solution is actually quite okay for the purposes of an iBook, and I believe it'll still decently play things like Pangea's 3D games etc.

But don't forget that Apple plans to replace both the 12"/14" iBook as well as the 12" _PowerBook_ with the MacBook. Meaning that they _could_ have a slightly more expensive model with different features...
I'd just like it to be able to do all the stuff like Keynote effects, edit some movies without stuttering too much. If it can do that then that's OK, but I think that with the Intel graphics and shared memory it's not going to work that well with Core Video.

At the Apple store in Toronto they had a previous G4 Mini hooked up to a 22" display and it was really choppy displaying the Dashboard which isn't acceptable. I haven't seen how the new ones work with that large of a screen, but I just don't want it to be all choppy like that because it doesn't look good.
I'm thinking they might go with an X1300 chip...

(oh and yes, the x1600 is just an *okay* card)
ElDiabloConCaca said:

I vote the guy who came up with this up there with the person who invented bottled water... :rolleyes:

To those who are stupid enough to part with $10 and get one of these things, please report back here so we can ridicule you. Thanks.'s called a sticky note, it will basicly do the same thing and you get 6 different colors for 4 bucks! better deal!
ElDiabloConCaca said:

I vote the guy who came up with this up there with the person who invented bottled water... :rolleyes:

To those who are stupid enough to part with $10 and get one of these things, please report back here so we can ridicule you. Thanks.
Wow, that's terrible.
Hmm.. what about a tablet MacBook? It's probably not going to happen, but it would be sweet if it did. That's the only thing holding back my dad from selling his laptop.
Lt Major Burns said:
For those who'd like to skip the little history lesson, here's the gist:

Sources say that Apple will be offering the MacBook in three different colors, it will have only one monitor size, and it will look a lot like the MacBook pro. They say it will be strictly Core Duo-based, and speculate that there may be two models. (A "better" and "best"...*sigh*...:rolleyes:)

They make it sound like it'll look like a colored MacBook Pro. I hope not. Apple has yet to release a solid-color machine (not counting "plain" colors like white and black). The iMacs and iBooks all had two-tone designs. I don't think a solid color would look good, so I hope Apple doesn't try to make it too iPod-like.
looks like the rumors that it might come out today on the eve of Q2 financial earnings was wrong...correct me if i'm wrong though isn't it tomorrow night? do you think they might release it tomorrow then?
I hope it doesn't look like the Macbook. I might buy the Macbook but I'm presuming it's the same material as the Powerbook which I wasn't so fond of. Sweet thing is I can pay for this all by myself with the money I get from my army basic training. I don't think I'd need the power of the Macbook Pro, so I'm hoping the Macbook... er... non-pro is a definite difference.
Maybe they _should_ call it the "MacBook mini" (or some other add-on name), then, because it'd definitely be confusing to have posts about "da MacBook" and never know which one "da user" is talking about, really... Although _that_ user would probably talk about the "MacBook" even then. So maybe it doesn't matter at all.