The new me...

You -should- be able to name a small animated .swf as .gif and IE just kinda goes with the flow...
I'm trying to work up a quick vector formatted one so I can try some animation... but I can't figure out the middle... wth is that?

It looks like a double quote... or a telephone... or something...

On Apple's site it looks like a bunch of little aqua balls...

I hate those little aqua balls... so difficult to render with vector based tools without looking like crap...
.dev.lqd: I must say yours looks a whole lot better than mine, especially with the little animation. :) Now just make it transparent and you'll be set. You can take it if you want, because mine totally sucks and I've changed back to the old one again. :p
Hey Sim, how did you get the space between the Finder button and the next icon in the dock? Is it just an App with a transparent icon?
If you look closely at my avatar, there's one little pixel in the middle of the blue that looks a little lighter. That's the icon that I put next to the Finder. :D I could Photoshop it out, but I'm lazy and no one ever notices.