The post-war war

Afganistan. I think what's happened in Afganistan is a good thing. I think we left it much better then we found it, that is, unless you have a problem with women and children being educated, instead of being publicly beheaded for watching TV.

Afghanistan is on the brink of civil war, with a puppet government wiht no real power beyond the capital. For anybody outside of urban area's (that means 99.99% of the population) nothing at all has changed, except there are new graves. Why does this remind me of the current situation in Iraq?

The US had no right and no duty to attack Iraq. There was no justification before, there is no justification now. The reasons that have been given have changed constantly and non are in themselves convincing or sufficient.
You have unprovokedly overthrown a government and are now an occupyng force. This means that the "coalition of the willing" is responsible for everything. Every death, every birth, every human soul is in the hands of the coalition. Be careful what you do to them. Deciding the fate of a nation is an enormous responsibilty and it seems that the coalition is not up to it. This suggests that they should have taken another course from the beginning. There is no post-war war, ther is civil unrest. Iraq does not need foreign soldiers, but domestic police, justice and government.
Originally posted by habilis
Racer: the vast majority of Iraqi's did welcome us with open arms, and still do. A large percentage of these enemy combatants that are firing on US troops right now are from outside Iraq and from terrorist groups.

It is still debatable as to whether they did or not, the Kurds did, definitely, but they make up only a small part of the population. And the majority of those who did welcome the troops with open arms were kids in search of chocolate, not exactly "proof" is it?

Where is the proof to back up your claim that "a large percentage.....are from outside Iraq and from terrrorist groups". The figures I've heard put the "imports" at a negligible number and how do you define terrorists in Iraq? If someone kills an Iraqi's civilian brother and he wants to kill an American in retaliation, is that terrrorism? I think the word is beginning to lose its meaning from being used so loosely.
70 virgins, if I recall well, that's 20 more.

Open arms or not, the post-war situation has created a credibility gap between representatives and population. Is it due to the journalists' attitude ? Should they go in politics ?

This is the post-war war. Masses, newspapers, heads of states - none black, non white. I think like Tim Grieve from the next war will be Bush vs. Supreme Court.

Do not tell me I'm trying to get Bush as deep in the mud as I can. Whatever I can think of him, I recently learnt we Europeans have elected worse than Dubya.
Originally posted by habilis
Racer: the vast majority of Iraqi's did welcome us with open arms, and still do. A large percentage of these enemy combatants that are firing on US troops right now are from outside Iraq and from terrorist groups.

That is not what the administration is saying. Are you getting information from some other source? The house to house round ups are of Saddam supporters. And these people are not given a trial to prove their innocence. Until we supply support for their basic needs (regardless of money from oil funds) we are not liberators, we are invaders.

A lot of the others are just in a real big hurry to get to the 50 virgins that Allah promises - which we're more then happy to oblige.

That is offensive. Are you trying to be an ugly American?

Afganistan. I think what's happened in Afganistan is a good thing. I think we left it much better then we found it, that is, unless you have a problem with women and children being educated, instead of being publicly beheaded for watching TV.

I brought up Afghanistan with reference to the Soviet Union. As it stands now, women and children are still being tortured the way they were before we got there. Our troops have no orders or mandate to stop any of the acts that are currently happening.

Now, the same goes for Iraq, it's a little bigger though, has a much larger population, so it follows that it will take longer.

We didn't provide security when we went into Iraq. Things went from bad to worse thanks to us.

Oil Fields. About the oil fields being protected; indeed they were protected to preserve oil revenue for rebuilding Iraq...

Iraqis didn't need the funds from oil fields to rebuild Iraq. We are responsible for rebuilding that country. We are responsible for paying for rebuilding that country. We are responsible for their security. We are doing a bad job.

Further we are responsible for what is most likely going to be the next weapon of terror. We didn't secure Iraq's nuclear plant when we came in and a ton of material was lost. We used uranium shells to destroy Iraqi tanks but have no plan for cleaning up those tanks. One pound of that material an a bomb strong enough to vaporize it is all that is needed to contaminate a large city. If we were trying to stop terrorism and keep weapons out of their hands, I can't think of a worse way of doing it then we have done so far.

Lets hope your city isn't the one contaminated by a potential weapon we left lying on the desert in Iraq.

I just watched an unbiased hour long show on C-SPAN, more like a documentary that showed American contractors going in to Iraq to rebuild all the sewage facilities, water treatment plants, pumping stations, and many other water utilities...

There is a major difference between disrepair and destroyed. The plants could have been brought back to full operation if they were protected. They were not. Parts and pieces destroyed are not replaceable, and now totally new plants are needed. That was an incredible waste. We save the oil fields because it was profitable for members of the administration. If the rhetoric they have been handing out was true, then their actions would prove it.

If we were there to stop weapons we should never have used uranium shells without a plan to clean them up. We should have never left the nuclear plant unattended (we did believe that they had nuclear weapons, right?). If we were there to liberate the people, we would have provided security when the government there fell (instead of leaving the country open for looting). We should have protected the things that the people would need the most.

You look at these new and old problems in Iraq like they were created by GW, but in accountable reality, it clearly was not.

Don't turn to the dark side, don't let hatred cloud your vision of reality.

Don't let your love affair with George Bush cloud yours. What I've said about the possible weapons of terror George has let out in this war should be enough to snap you back to reality... then again, with you, maybe not.
toast: was it 70 virgins? my bad. 50 or 70, it's all good! I mean, write down the 70 absolute hottest babes you have ever seen, that's what's promised to you for murdering children. And what's really really sick, is that adults are actually teaching this to children by the thousands - and they BELIEVE it - I have an infinitely bigger problem with that then I do with GW's policy.
Originally posted by RacerX
That is offensive. Are you trying to be an ugly American?
Don't have time to fully respond to your post right now, but about this ugly American thing, Yes, I was trying to be ugly to make a point; if nothing will be done about this extreme form of religious hate brainwashing, certain people in this country will fight this kind of hate with their own brand of coercion, a gentle ethnocentric push to sway public opinion - and that's just the problem, nothing's being done to stop the hate.
[potentially offending]

If I recall well, jihad is muslim-territory exclusive, so you get no virgins for 9/11.

Moreover, those virgins may just be white fruits, as explained in this article. I read at the time it was free to consult, now you'll have to pay for it. Plus, it's in French. Maybe a Google search about Christoph Luxenberg (the analyst who launched the debate about the virgin/fruit question) will help.

[/potentially offending]
I'll have to look into these white fruits. I looked but that article was inaccessible and in French. I did use Sherlock to translate the first page though, finally used that thing for something.

BTW: my G4 died last night, see this thread
I read the article at the time it was free to consult. The guy is claiming the translation is bad and that some terms have been flawed by Allah-scholastics. He says the virgins aren't human but fruit. Virgin fruits. I don't know what to think about it.

I'm pretty sure, however, that jihad should not be fought outside muslim territory. Hence, killing people outside this specific context is sinful.