The Screens Discussion (Matte or Glossy)


Staff member
I first thought we oughta have a poll about it, but then I became aware that most people simply have a preference without ever trying out "the other one" in real life conditions (i.e. outside of a store). Hence the normal thread.

When all those PC notebooks came about with the first glossy screens, I clearly despised them. They had more vibrant colours, granted, but the glossiness meant I couldn't work with them. I said all the things critics say today, about Apple's decision to go all-glossy with the new MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air.

I then sold my old PB G4 1.33 GHz and got the first white MacBook. And while the mirroring sometimes affected me, most of the time, I just forgot about it after 1.5 seconds, because my eyes automatically concentrated on the content of the _screen_ instead of the mirror-picture. (Which _is_ visible, of course.)

When I got my MacBook Air, however, I "saw the light". The screen's brightness is so incredibly good that a matte LCD-screen simply can't hold a candle to it. If you compare the yesterday-still-current MBP 15" with glossy screen and matte screen in real life conditions, it just doesn't matter that much. Glossy/LED _actually_ means you can use them outside, in the sun. Of course you should make sure that you don't have the sun watching your screen over your shoulder, but that's just common sense. On a matte screen, your picture simply vanishes, but on a glossy screen, you still can work quite well.

What I'm saying is: Don't be too sad about Apple removing the matte option. Instead: Make sure you get an LED screen. It's miles ahead of the (simple) TFT screens of old.
I always kind of liked the glossy displays from the beggining. I noticed how there was a mirror image on it, but it didn't matter most the time, since I wasn't watching videos. And as for the light, the matte screens didn't do much better, it was pretty much impossible to work outside with them with sunlight. Now after having a MacBook for around a year, I'm so used to it, I really don't care, and the colors are a lot more vibrant.
Well it will soon when some manufacture makes a screen film (like the iPhone) to protect the "glass" (that is the important part for the film) to negate the glare. Just wait you early adopters and your dreams of matte will be negated with a cheap film covering. Just look at a iPhone or iPod Touch film coverings and think upscale.
I first thought we oughta have a poll about it, but then I became aware that most people simply have a preference without ever trying out "the other one" in real life conditions (i.e. outside of a store).
I'm sorry, but how do you figure this? Having tried both, I'll stick to my guns on this one—the Matte screen is superior for some us. I've used both in varied conditions and with the exception of watching a movie (on a dark plane at night) I haven't found many instances where the glossy screen is better (more on this below.) Sure the colors might be more vibrant, but they're not true enough and that's unacceptable for me. The screen on my current MBP isn't as good as my cinema or my buddies Lacie 526, but it's darn close. That same buddy had the the latest 15" MBP with a glossy LED screen...after a week of constant tuning we gave up on its color correction. He's stuck using his attached to the Lacie for anything remotely color critical, and the difference is quite noticeable. I feel for the guy, cause he's spent a boatload of his own $$$ and not got a lot to show for it. He wishes he had waited a few days for the matte option (matte was out of stock when he bought his and he had to have a new laptop ASAP.)

The screen's brightness is so incredibly good that a matte LCD-screen simply can't hold a candle to it. If you compare the yesterday-still-current MBP 15" with glossy screen and matte screen in real life conditions, it just doesn't matter that much. Glossy/LED _actually_ means you can use them outside, in the sun. . . . . . On a matte screen, your picture simply vanishes, but on a glossy screen, you still can work quite well.
I've used most of the later model Macs in varied conditions in the real world. Having done so, I have no idea where you're coming from. The glare is atrocious, not to mention annoying to others around you. There's talk of trying to ban glossy screens on laptops down here on a college campus (in the classrooms) due to that. I don't know if that's feasible, but I'd be one to give a nod to it. Having sat behind folks with the various brands of glossy laptops (HP, Dell, Toshiba, Compaq, Macbooks, etc.) I can say its definitely annoying.

Maybe where you live this glare it isn't a big issue, but the places I go it is. I mean really, bright sunlight isn't too hard to find in Southern Louisiana year long. On the glossy screens down here, you have to sit just right (often in uncomfortable positions depending on the time of day) to avoid half your screen glaring out. Sure it (desktop) might be a bit harder to see outside than inside on the matte screen, but at least the content is viewable. There's still the issues with that annoying bluish tint to white, which isn't a great thing IMO either, nor are the constant cleanings required on glossy screens for those of us that absolutely hate a dirty screen.

But let us not forget about our eyes. There's a reason I was so happy to leave CRTs behind and embrace the LCD. No headaches after staring at my screen during long duration projects. That perhaps is my biggest complaint on glossy screens...after an hour or two of use it causes eye fatigue and the onset of a headache. That's not a problem with the matte screens for me. I've heard this grip from many others, including a client who just spent money replacing 3 month old LCDs that his office support staff used. When they upgraded their computers, they were sent 22" glossy LCDs with the new units. Now they have a bunch of 20" matte screens and everyone's happy again. No glare, no headaches (literally) and it would have saved them a boatload of money.

What I'm saying is: Don't be too sad about Apple removing the matte option. Instead: Make sure you get an LED screen. It's miles ahead of the (simple) TFT screens of old.
Maybe the screens from the iBook lines and elder machines, but note from the ones in the past few years. That has more to do with the increased brightness capability of the newer models (matte or glossy, used both) than anything else, IME.

Given everything, it means I have to be sad. For the first time in god knows how many years I may actually have to consider a brand other than Apple for my laptop. That's something I swore I would never do. All because of a stupid usability issue. Even that isn't a solution, as the costs involved may be way too high (software.) It makes me livid that I have to even consider this. All Apple needs to do is offer us a BTO option with a anti-glare/matte coating and all would be good. Hell, I'd even pay an extra $100 or so for it. IT'S THAT IMPORTANT!

Just wait you early adopters and your dreams of matte will be negated with a cheap film covering.
The simple fact is I shouldn't have to use some ghetto fix on a premium product. Those films are a pain in the you-know-what and don't last long, and again—I shouldn't have to.
Ok, your post is longer than mine. :P ... I think if the cry is loud enough, some 3rd party will jump in and offer an acceptable solution, i.e. a replacement glass or something. Although: Hasn't appeared for the iMacs yet, has it?