The Truth Is Out There


Did anybody watch the final episode of X-files? It just ended for me and I must say...WHY!?!?! Mulder was sentenced to death, and the truth is still out there, unvieled. I'm actually crying over a T.V. show. :D

Anyway, did anybody else watch it? What did you think of it?
I saw it. I think it answered a lot but left a lot un answered as well. I smell a movie to finish it off. :D

Glad I watched all those reruns on FX, everything just seemed to fall into place.

Time to start writing in demanding a movie now :D
Yea, a movie ending would be sweet.

Forgot to mention: for those who have not seen the ending yet: i didn't spoil anything much in my previous post, don't worry. :)
The series finale did answer a lot of questions and summed up the conspiracy theory quite nicely. I was disappointed in that Fox Mulder was not as aggressive and assertive as his usual self. He seemed defeated, weakened by learning the truth, or the process of learning it. Slashdot has a post ( about the X-files series finale - very humerous comments from some of the respondents. I think we'll see at least one more movie about it.
On the news a few minutes ago they did an interview with Chris Carter and he said that they want to try to do at least one movie, if not multiple movies. So it's probably not over, unless the actors don't feel like doing a movie.
If they don't release a movie by December 22, 2012 I'm going to commit suicide... ...go figure.
Um, I haven't watched the last episode. We don't have television, so we're stuck with watching tapes of old episodes sent to us by relatives. We're currently on the 11th from last IIRC.

So no spoilers, K? Thanks. :)
YAY good for you, nkuvu, no TV... I would LOVE to kill my television :) but my mom watches soap operas too much. The only show we EVER watch is the West Wing (in crappy, un-cable low-res with fuzzy green lines) and I only saw one episode of that in the last two

but seriously, i hate TV and all of its negative effects--but I did like the X-Files (when it was GOOD) and I'm sad to see them go...
I saw it last nite too.
I was surprized that cancer man was still alive (but now we know he is dead :p lol, there is no way he could have survived those were some nice effects ;) )

In essense I was expecting a more polemical mulder but the whole premise of the show was that mulder was looking for the truth, wanting to find out what it was, there was no mention what he would do IF he knew what it was so in essense the whole show came to close.

I smell either movies, or a spin off series guest starring mulder and scully.

Can someone tell me how the lone gunmen died ? I missed that episode :p

I've got a quick question for anybody who watched the X-files last night:

In the last part of the episode when the Super Soldier attacked that one dude and lady, the dude shot the SS and he turned into some silver thing then shot through a wall! --- Can somebody tell me what happened there? :)
Originally posted by Trip
I've got a quick question for anybody who watched the X-files last night:

In the last part of the episode when the Super Soldier attacked that one dude and lady, the dude shot the SS and he turned into some silver thing then shot through a wall! --- Can somebody tell me what happened there? :)

the magnetitie (the SS's one real weakness) in the region entered the SS's body through the bullet wound and then caused him to do that... that also happened in another epsiode this year or maybe last, can't remember.
I thought the finale was pretty good, and I haven't watched the show at all since around the beginning of season 6. Or something.

Um. That's all.

-the valrus
I was kinda suprized taht deep throat was not one of the ghosts that visited mulder. I am also very suprized that krycheck visited mulder! :eek:
Originally posted by AdmiralAK

Can someone tell me how the lone gunmen died ? I missed that episode :p


There was some terrorist plot to unleash some kind of virus, and the lone gunmen locked themselves up with the terrorist dude who had the virus (it was resident in his body, and would be released at a certain time). They couldn't escape, because if they had, the virus would have been unleashed. Weird. . . .