ThinkSecret Reports New Product Specs


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Highly reliable sources have confirmed the specifications of Apple's forthcoming revisions to its Power Mac G5, iMac G5 and eMac systems, expected to start shipping within a few days of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger's April 29th release. (

PowerMacs (possibly using the dual-core PPC970MP chip)
  • 512K L2 cache per processor
  • Dual 1GHz frontside buses
  • 512MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (4GB max.)
  • 160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
  • 128MB DDR SDRAM ATI Radeon 9600 video card
  • 512K L2 cache per processor
  • Dual 1.15GHz frontside buses
  • 512MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (8GB max.)
  • 250GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
  • 128MB DDR SDRAM ATI Radeon 9600 video card
  • 512K L2 cache per processor
  • Dual 1.35GHz frontside buses
  • 512MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (8GB max.)
  • 250GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
  • 256MB DDR SDRAM ATI Radeon 9650 video card

"Good" 17-inch, 1.8GHz
  • 512K L2 cache
  • 160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
  • 128MB ATI Radeon 9600
  • Combo Drive (CD-RW/DVD-ROM)
  • Bluetooth 2.0
"Better" 17-inch, 2GHz
  • 512K L2 cache
  • 160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
  • 128MB ATI Radeon 9600
  • SuperDrive (supporting dual-layer as well as DVD±RW/CD-RW burning)
  • Bluetooth 2.0
"Best" 20-inch, 2GHz
  • 512K L2 cache
  • 250GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
  • 128MB ATI Radeon 9600
  • SuperDrive (supporting dual-layer as well as DVD±RW/CD-RW burning)
  • Bluetooth 2.0

  • 1.42GHx G4
  • 256MB RAM
  • 80GB HD
  • 64MB ATI Radeon 9600
  • Combo Drive
  • 1.42GHz G4
  • 512MB RAM
  • 160GB HD
  • 64MB ATI Radeon 9600
  • SuperDrive (supporting dual-layer as well as DVD±RW/CD-RW burning)

Not happy to see it only claiming 2.7GHz for the PMac speed increase, but if they're dual-core chips there should be a sizable difference in performance over single core versions. The iMac video upgrade is definitely needed. RAM upgrades should have happened a year ago at least.
If anything, I wish the ATI cards were a higher model. I like to play a few games here and there if I get the chance.
Those are good 'basic' graphics cards. You can opt for higher end models when you build-to-order. Or you can add a higher end card later.
If the highend configs really are the 970MP variant, those would actually be 4-core Macs, which'd certainly make things interesting. On the other hand, if these machines stay the highend for the better part of a YEAR (like the 2.5 GHz machine before...), I think it might not be 'enough' to keep us happy...
Those specs are impressive. About time they bumped the ram up on the g5. 256mb is shocking when its supposed to be the fastest desktop on the market. maybe they expect people are just gonna throw alot of ram into it anyway! hehe..

Good updates all around, the 2.7ghz is a bit surprising but if its dual core then it will be a bit of a fark you intel move as they are about to go into production (along with amd) with dual core cpus.
Even if it's gonna be the 970MP, remains to be seen whether Apple can actually _deliver_ it in May, so we can't really be sure IBM beats intel and AMD with the dual core processors. On the other hand, should these new PowerMacs _not_ make use of the 970MP but rather still use a 970FX (or the GX), when would we expect a move to the MP?
I really think, and can't stress it enough, that Apple should update their line-up more often.

That's it!

I "need" my 3Ghz, yo.

I've been holding for 3G since it was first mentioned. Damn Steve for even saying it. I can't let it go.

Now if Tiger and Core Image cranks up Final Cut 5 and Motion 2 on a 2.7, then I may pop for it. But I'm talking crazy track counts and frame rates. Otherwise, I'm holding out. And yes, I know it's completely illogical. ;) I'm thinking of going cuckoo for cocoa puffs on my next box, so I want it to knock me on my ass. You know, the 30", everything else maxed out (maybe just 4 GB RAM to start though). 2.7 just doesn't knock me on my ass.

As for dual core. Forget about it. Not happening this go around.
What's up with people thinking they need 3 Ghz? I think that is crap.

If you need 3Ghz, have you ever actually used a DP 2.0+Ghz G5 before? Those things are pretty insanely fast. I've got just the low DP 1.8GHz G5 and it is very fast.

You will not notice the difference between the 2.7Ghz and 3.0Ghz machines.

All you need to do is give your DP a minimum of 1GB ram, and she will fly, no matter the gigahertz. They beat the pants off any modern Windows system in multitasking. I bet even those new Pentium D's can't touch the current DP Power Mac line. OS X just is so good at multitasking.

If these specs are real, and the processor is the 970MP - wow. If not, wow still.

Personally, I can't understand how people use single-proc G4's on a daily basic for "pro" development/usage. Once you go DP G5, you don't go back :D
You will notice a difference between Dual 1.8 GHz and Dual 2.7 Ghz. Especially when you're doing processor intensive tasks, as the latter will take almost half the time to complete the same task.
Or less if a dual core. I too think it's a pity if they don't make the 3 GHz happen - if only for marketing reasons. But if it's actually 4 cores running at 2.7 GHz, it's quite a different machine from a 2 core 2.5 GHz. If it's non-dual core, however, I think Steve is up for another apology to the crowds.
It's worth considering that the Wintel world hasn't advanced much in terms of clock speed, either. I forget what the max PC speed was when the 2.5 GHz G5s came out, but I know Apple's jump from 2.0 - 2.5 was bigger than the PC jump in that same time period.

It seems like IBM and Intel/AMD are in the same zone. They're having problems pushing clock speeds, and are focusing more on things like multiple cores. I don't think Apple will have anything to be ashamed of if they release 2.7GHz machines.

But I really, REALLY hope they're dual-core chips. If not, I hope Apple will put out another update sooner than their current trend (i.e., one update a year).
The G5s are quite similar to the Opteron line of chips. These haven't gotten much faster than 2.5 GHz. The G5s can't reach 3.0 GHz because IBM is having problems that they did not foresee. Steve made the promise of 3.0 GHz G5s going on the data IBM supplied him. It's not his fault he can't predict the future. He is still human, you know? ;)
there a simple way to explain dual core to me? and others curious... and does sotware have to be written to take advantage of it? like dp?
Basically, it's two processors on one chip. The software, i.e. Tiger, should already be ready for it. Whether Adobe would have to update their MP-plugins, I dunno...
cheers fryke! so a dual processor, dual-core 2.7ghz g5 tower would be effectively four 2.7ghz g5s running simultaneously? nice.

Yeah, actually I finished a couple of projects on a Dual 2.5 G5 (not mine). I was able to bring it to its knees easily. (Heavy video projects and huge Photoshop files). Don't get me wrong, it's a great machine. It's the best computer I've ever used by far. I loved it. But, as with all computers currently in existence, it is still a far cry from perfect. It still takes time to render, to launch, to cache and everything else. Yes, it does it faster than most, but not as fast as I can work (getting closer though). The 3 GHZ won't get me there either, but it's a number I have in my head and am not letting go of. --How's that for a good way to end a sentence? ;)

If the 2.5 is so fast, then why even bother coming out with new boxes? (rhetorical) To answer my own question, it's because the demand for speed is insatiable and I'm one of those people who want more more more. And yes, I actually need and make use of it. Now granted, I will say this--I'm choking along on a fairly old dual 1 GHZ and it's getting me by. I could make a financial case for getting a DP 2.5/2.7 and having a good ROI in productivity, but dammit I want that 3GHZ!!!


Anyone want to bet on the dual core thing? I'll bet anything against whatever you put up. Not happening. ;) If I'm wrong, feel free to rub it in my face.
I've been waiting on the 3GHz mark to upgrade my desktop too, on principle. In reality, just about anything I could get would be a worlds of difference from what I'm running now. If they release a DP 2.7 G5 (dual core), I'll seriously consider it.

One thing to consider is Apple is trying to get away from the 'cooling system' required by the DP 2.5GHz macs. Delphi only guarantees the system for 2.5 years, but a lot of talk is placing the longevity of it at only two years. Definitely not acceptable to Apple or their standards, nor is it acceptable to us.

The PPC970MP and PPC970GX processors run much cooler than the PPC970FX processors currently being used, so the Delphi system shouldn't be required anymore. That should also contribute to a nice savings in costs, which could result in other 'nice things' like more standard RAM, bigger HDs, better graphics cards, etc.

For some people, a dual-core chip won't make a huge difference. For others, it'll make a world of difference. Can you imagine what would happen with some of these clusters ( Mach5 [Xserve], SystemX [Xserve], MareNostrum [IBM JS-20] ) on that chip?
mindbend: how much ram did that DP 2.5Ghz G5 have? If it has < 1GB, then yes you can bring it down pretty easily.