Tiger iSync 2.2 Palm Desktop 4.2.1: Nada


*nix Geek
I've searched here and elsewhere on the web looking for a reason why exactly I can't get iSync to see my HotSync software is properly installed. All I've come across are people who have the same issue, and no explaination, I'm guessing that's a giant 'shrug' from the world at large, but I figured I'd add to the gripe Pile.

I've installed Palm Desktop 4.2.1 RevD, and syncing to my Palm with Palm Desktop works flawlessly ~ so no issue there.

Whenever I bring up iSync and choose Devices -> Enable Palm OS Syncing, I get an error "The Hotsync software is not properly installed or has never been opened..." - It has been opened, and I'm at a loss at how to satisfy the kludge of iSync's idea of a proper Palm Desktop install.

I'm still scratching my head on why iTunes syncs my iPod with iCal and Address Book instead of iSync, but that part at least works.

Anyone find a way, even sneaky, to install the blasted iSync conduit?
Well, I did find a solution: Dump iSync and use Missing Sync 5.x

Downloaded the trial, and it seems starting with the 5.x series of Missing Sync, they have their own conduits that bypass the kludgy iSync - and it works as advertised for me.

It's not a free solution, but it works - for those desperate.