Tiger Safari features

I really hope we get the ability to move tabs around! It seems like something so simple, but it would be very useful if you're the slightest bit anal about organization.
I want:

- Single window browsing (new windows open in new tabs as default - with exceptions of ones that pop-up at specific sizes without menu-bars and so on and the like).

- Tab re-ordering

- 'Open in Tabs' to open in NEW TABS!! (or an 'Open in New Tabs' option)

- Spell checking in text fields as well as text boxes.

- A 'Don't let anything re-size windows' option.

(that would probably do me for now).
From maxosxhints comes a handy one on boookmarklets on keeping windows sized correctly each and every time.
I agree on most, but you can reorder tabs before they're highlighted. I'm not sure of the importance of reordering tabs once they're active as it's not too far to scroll (unless you're spanning between two 30'' displays). Simply close the tabs, reorder and reactivate. Or am I missing something?
Randman said:
I agree on most, but you can reorder tabs before they're highlighted. I'm not sure of the importance of reordering tabs once they're active as it's not too far to scroll (unless you're spanning between two 30'' displays). Simply close the tabs, reorder and reactivate. Or am I missing something?

I'm not sure what you mean sorry. Reorder tabs before they're highlighted??

Also, closing the tabs, reordering them (however you do that) and reactivating them (?) seems a hell of a hassle.

Being able to order tabs is just a nice feature (I use it a lot in FireFox) that should be pretty easy to implement.

I'd also like to be able to specify where new tabs appear. 9 times out of 10 I'd like them to come up to the right of the current tab (rather than at the far right) so I'd like to be able to specify this as the default behaviour.
lnoelstorr said:
I want:

- Single window browsing (new windows open in new tabs as default - with exceptions of ones that pop-up at specific sizes without menu-bars and so on and the like).

- Tab re-ordering

- 'Open in Tabs' to open in NEW TABS!! (or an 'Open in New Tabs' option)

- Spell checking in text fields as well as text boxes.

- A 'Don't let anything re-size windows' option.

(that would probably do me for now).

I am not sure if the following behavior happens in Safari... but running mozilla on windows - I have 7 tabs - i am browsing the second tab [tab 2] then I click on a link and open in new tab - it opens to the far right and becomes active [tab 8] - the link is not interesting so I close the tab ( x ) - the next one to the left becomes active [tab 7] - huh???? Closing a tab should take me to the previous tab [tab 2]. This agitates me every time. I am not sure if this behavior should continue as I close that tab [tab 2] - I do not think it should record the order of all previous tab activations as I may be browsing all the tabs looking for something.

I may be using tabs incorrectly - I use them as an index - browsing a page I open in a new tab to see if the link is interesting without losing my source page - maybe I should be using 'snapback' more. Well mozilla for windows does not have 'snapback' :(

Can anybody say Safari for Windows? ( please! )
Nope. Everyones hope was pinned on it being part of itms. But it isn't. And dave himself said it would take 12months+ to get Safari on windows (including porting webkit etc)
kerrazyjoe said:
I am not sure if the following behavior happens in Safari... but running mozilla on windows - I have 7 tabs - i am browsing the second tab [tab 2] then I click on a link and open in new tab - it opens to the far right and becomes active [tab 8] - the link is not interesting so I close the tab ( x ) - the next one to the left becomes active [tab 7] - huh???? Closing a tab should take me to the previous tab [tab 2]. This agitates me every time.


That's another thing that annoys me. Closing a tab should take you to the previous tab you were on.

Though to take this further: I will sometime open a few links from a single page in seperate tabs at one time, I'd then like to browse through these one at a time, when I close one of them I'd like it to take me to the next one I had opened from the same page.

So all in all I'd like the logic when closing a tab to be:

1: was tab opened from within another tab?
- No: Show the most recently viewed open tab
- Yes: Go to 2

2: were any unviewed tabs opened from the same tab that this one was?
- No: Show the tab this one was opened from
- Yes: Show the next of those tabs

Seems pretty simple and useful to me.
Please, Please Please

give me the option (I don't want to impose it on those who still have brains :p) to have a dialog box ask if I really want to close the whole window with more than one tab open in it.
i want my new Safari using Mozilla 1.7 like Camino (both are using Gecko)...

with that i can use my CMS on Safari.. yehaaa

[edit] by the way, can this be considered as feature?
pds said:
Please, Please Please

give me the option (I don't want to impose it on those who still have brains :p) to have a dialog box ask if I really want to close the whole window with more than one tab open in it.
Yea! - that's mozilla - not Safari. Safari will blow away the window with all tabs when you tell it to.
BTW: Safari blows them all away as far as browsing goes for me!
azrad said:
i want my new Safari using Mozilla 1.7 like Camino (both are using Gecko)...

with that i can use my CMS on Safari.. yehaaa

[edit] by the way, can this be considered as feature?

You can be certain that will never happen.
Using/supporting Mozilla would be a very good thing, though Safari is surprisingly stable. Mozilla is unquestionably more mature, and it would be great to see more companies teaming up.

One good move in the browser world today though was an announcement by several organizations that a common, open source, cross-platform plugin structure is being developed. That included Apple, Sun, Mozilla, Opera, and even Macromedia.

Actually, the Mozilla.org announcement is here: http://www.mozilla.org/press/mozilla-2004-06-30.html

It's good to see the various organizations teaming up like this. It just reminds me that what's good for non-Microsoft (including Linux, Mozilla, etc) is good for Apple =)