TM backup not working


I placed my hds to a different computer and the TMbackup isnt recognised. There are 2 hd. One (1) is my system hd and the other (2) is my TMbackup drive. The files on 2 are there but they cant be recognised as a backup. Is there some way to make them work again?
ok im back testing it, but i cant get to the root of my timemachine backup using terminal, i have no idea what commands to type, can you help me on that?
cd /Volumes/nameofTMdrive
...where "nameofTMdrive" is the name of your Time Machine drive.

If you have spaces in the name of the drive, you must escape them. For example, if my Time Machine drive was named "My Time Machine Drive", the correct syntax would be:
cd /Volumes/My\ Time\ Machine\ Drive